@RSM-HQ: No complaining from me on the remake, but I agree RE:CV needs some attention. Replaying the Code Veronica Xbox 360 HD version on a 120 in. projector screen right now. Still an enjoyable experience.
@Pyrosa: Isn't the PC version included with Darkest Dungeon on GP already? I actually don't mind Dark Alliance. Simple, fun third-person action-adventure game. Yes, Limbo is good.
I had the Unrated Director's Cut of Spawn on VHS. Watched quite a few times. Also, Tank Girl was worth a couple watches. TMNT 3 was the weakest of the trilogy, but still a fun movie for a kid.
My biggest question is, "what happens to the PS3 games I am streaming right now with PS Now?" I feel like I need to finish those and not start new ones.
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