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tidus_swain Blog

Un-Wicked Sick!

Yes, I have hit level 30 on Gamespot. Brief pause... and we continue.

I have been ill since last monday. Had this really annoying cough. It tickles, but then when i cough it hurts :( Had it for over a week now and it is driving me crazy. Thankfully, it is going a bit now, mostly attributing that to playing football last night in the freezing cold rain. Crazy what things can cure.

Had work experience the week before last. Was ok actually, learnt some stuff, and it was a welcome break from college. Got a lot of papercuts though, because that was what we were doing. Cutting paper. Then boxing it. Not just plain paper, leaflets and stuff. Pretty good actually.

We had snow last week. That was ok, as i got the thursday of school because i was ill so was stopped from going in... still went out and had fun in the snow though :D Friday wasn't too good because i wasn't in the mood for snow fights, and by then it was just ice, and ice fights arn't fun.

I have a new msn adress now, found to the right of your screens, in the little section titled 'about me.' Add me if you haven't alread, and fancy a chat. Be warned, talk to me beacause otherwise i usually won't start a conversation on msn. Hate it. And talking over the phone i hate too. Find it awkward. Much easier to talk to someone face to face i find. Maybe because i am weird. Not sure.

PS3 Launch date seems familiar

PS3 launch date

Sure reminds me of another date... Something important to me will be happening to me on that day... Not sure what it is though

Last year on that day it was my  16th birthday... wait a minute...


Interesting. I believe this is a sign. I didn't really want to buy a PS3... but if it is being released on my birthday...

Oh, and anyone got an idea how i could set up a podcast with 3 people in the same room?

I'm outta here! Enjoy your weekends everyone

It was weird yesterday

So, i was shopping. Had £40 in my pocket, loads of games on the shelf... and i just did not want to buy anything. I had gone out to buy a game, but nothing appealed to my senses. It was weird.

I might get an Xbox Vision camera. Is it possible to use them as webcams though. If so, i probablly will get one, because then i will have two uses for it.

I have been playing a lot of Rainbow Six vegas for the 360 the last week. It is a very good game, enjoy playing online even though it is really difficult.

Your looking Radiant today

And so am I. Level 29. Radiant Silvergun

Always liked the number 29. Its just cool, sitting there right at the edge of the 20's... and just before the 30's... Ok i have nothing to talk about....

Well i do, but i don't really want to talk about that stuff here. I have some thinking i need to do....

Also, a big thankyou to Fire ants for the new blog banner. Looks awesome, much appreciated.

It still feels like 2006

Nothings really changed. From my perspective, the Metophorical road ahead has just become and lot more foggier and dangerous.

I need a map, something to tell me where to go, which path to follow. Something to tell me who to look after, and who to leave behind. I can't do it alone.

Whatever it is, i need to find it out, and i will keep trying to do that.

What I learned today

Yes, i am going to do one of these each day now i think. It will be a good way to build my knowledge while at the same time remebering stuff...

So today, the most important things i learned were

Not Spend 70p when all i have is a Two pair.
Too much butter in a sandwich means you can smell it.
I have smaller then a 30 Inch waste.

Also, It is not a good idea to paint my face like the guy in the picture with Cream.

No peeking, I am Changing.

Yes, even though i did it some time ago now... well actually time goes so quick it could of been yesterday... but i got rid of the banner at the top of the page here. So now, i'm thinking of making a new one, not sure what put in it though. Ideas anyone? Just post any thoughts of what should be in my new banner here. (And if, while you are thinking, you get the urge to just make me one... that would be awesome! :D)

Also, College wise, i dropped ICT. Not sure if i will regret this later on, but i just hated the course so much. It bored me so much, and it was a lot of work. Lots of Boring stuff is not a good thing.
 So instead now i am taking Media Studies. I much prefer this course, as i got an A* last year in my GCSE exams, so i am more familier with it then ICT, and also i find it quite fun (sad i know.) I enjoy designing adverts and stuff. I think it is important to enjoy what you do, so taking media is a great choice. It had actually made me look foward to college this week, as with no ICT my time table looks a much happier place.

For those interested, the first WWE PPV is tonight. New years resolution. Won't be watching, but will keep an eye on the results. Last years new Years Resolution had a really great ending, when Edge! Won the WWE title, in a great 3 minute match where he outclassed Cena. :D

And with that, I bid ye farewell.

Why Wii Will Win

Don't worry, this isn't a fanboy having a rant.

My dive into next Generation Gaming began late in March of 2006, with the purchase of the Xbox 360. At first i was of course impressed with the shiny new graphics, great online play and how much cooler the light green cases look then anything seen before by the eye of man.

However, the start of my inquiry began while playing DOA4 I liked the game itself, but then a member of my family said to me. 'Is this it, just looks like a regular fighting game to me.' Then it hit me. The game was hardly anything different from anything its genre I had played before. Which means that the game has in reality just been made to look glossier, and perform slightly better.

Now this is where i believe the Wii can benefit. It has the inovation. Sure, at the moment all of the game may not be up to scratch of that of Xbox 360 and the PS3, and the graphics may not be as shiny, but it has that fun-ability factor. Non-gamers are going to be much more likely to buy a games console if it looks fun, and the Wii just looks and is easy to get into. While, at the same time, top game titles such as The  Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princes and the old classics like Super  Mario Bros mean that Hardcore gamers and older gamers will also have a reason to purchase this console.

And so the year of Bond approaches.

2007 --- 007 with a 2. Worked that out today while my mind wondering. My mind is crazy.

Yep, another year comes to a close. Where has the time gone? Seriously, i have never had such a quick year. Time is running out fast in the world isn't it. Maybe we should stop wasting it so much. Its precious, and even a year is little is the grand scale of things. Interesting.

Anyone read the starcharts? I do.
I'm an aries. Says this for me - 'A romantic obligation may seem tiresome during early 2007'  Great. First bit of the new year is going be be rubbish.

''But it will teach you a valuabe lesson for the future' But 07 is the future! Can't they teach me the lesson now then i haven't got to have a bad start to the new year.

Yeh, its all a load of rubbish i think, but i still look at tmy Stars and stuff every week.Maybe i should get the daily ones, they might be more accurate. I suck at planning ahead as well, so i will forget anything i have to remeber for more then 24 hours.

Oh, i bought Splinter Cell Double Agent today, 4th game of the series which i have become accustomed to. Looking forward to playing that a bit later on. Also borrowed Dead rising. Zombies in a mall. Just like christmas shopping.

So, everyone have a good last day of 06 tommorow, and all have a great 07 and stuff.! :)

Rocking with Santa

Just went out to the Shops and bought myself Guitar Hero 2! :D

Enough said i belive. But i try to give my blogs a bit more of a meatier filling, like a mince pie.

So, also, i bought a new optical drive for my computer. This means i can now play some of my new Cd's on my computer, like Alter Bride, or Creed... or Aerosmith.... and also maybe put some of these onto my brand new Ipod nano :)

So, going to go and rock now. Hope everyone had a good christmas and all. Oh, and why is today called Boxing today?

I thought it was either because that is the day when everyone through out boxes that had presents in, or apparently it is because today is the day that everyone is supposed to open presents, not christmas day...

also, what did the 3 wise men buy Jesus for the second year? i was just thinking they wouldn't of bought him the same stuff would they?

Ok seriously now, going to go set up my playstation 2, plug in a guitar, listen to some backstreet boys... i mean...

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!