All American Rejects- It Ends Tonight, possibly?Aspen706nice try but apparently its softer then that :/ My girlfriend wants the song and i have the one clue that it has the word tonight in :/
tidus_swain's forum posts
I dont know who that is lol
Just name songs with the word tonight in alot that have come out recent would help alot. :)
Hey im trying to look or a song. Its new-ish i think in the US. And has the word 'Tonight' in it alot
Any idea of the song? apparently sounds abit like James Morrison kind of music...
My friend sent me this website he is making, he is going to write letters everyday to people and companys. I think they are pretty funny.
Thought might be funny here.
Hello BT
Let me first Ask you some Questions
1 – If you went to a football game to see your team play, would you except the team to say 'Oh, we can't play, can you fans play for us?'
No you Would not.
2- If you went to McDonalds for a classy dinner, after ordering your Big Mac Meal, Coke drink, Extra Cheeseburger and a Crunchie McFlurry, would you expect the employe to say, 'Ok but can you cook that? '
No you would not.
Ok the rest has some swearing in so heres the link
How about I can be Immortal for 232 days a year, and i get 500 Million. Split the wish then everyones a winner
Bret Hart will screw DX out of the tag titles.
Either Taker or Michaels will retire
Edge and Christian reunite and win the tag titles of Jerishow at mania
Ted Debiase eliminates Randy orton from the Royal Rumble.
John Morrison will move to Raw
CM Punk will become world champion again. And be an actual champion and not be squished by the Undertaker.
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