CoD3, that was a repetative game.. i reached the bigtrench thing and began to think "this is boring, i'll just die," but nooo! they're nazis.. you can't die to them, it might creat a time riff and transport us to.. idk, Russia in nuclear fallout after ww3 or sommet'..
this micro fibre cloch thingy is what i'll b using i guess.. and it's by OPSM uk, so sony have been prepering for ppl becoming slaves to the ps3's shiny shiny but oh so expensivebody :].. oh noooo!! is that a speck of dust i see, *cry* why ps3? why why why, i am not worthy!!
Watch this video. Your life will change...
woah, this sorta explanes how the universe could expand, the cycle just goes on. I think this atually has changed the way i perseve things.. but not in the way that science can tell us that cr*p is all part of the nitrate cycle, like i know this can be what you make of it. Darn i'm making no sence, oh well, i'm a genious somewhere you know!
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