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tigerdude22 Blog

Happy Easter!!!

Hey everyone,

Due to Easter which is today, I don't think I'm going to review today and I'm pretty sure most of you aren't either because you're spending time with your family. :D

I'm gonna be at my aunt's house for her cook out and then we'll do the Easter egg hunt, I too old to do the Easter Egg hunt but just so my family doesn't say I'm a party pooper, I'll just do it. :D

Bye, Happy Easter and Have fun. :D

My brother has a account

Last night, my brother was kind of exploring on my account of what you can do and he thought that it was pretty cool. :D

He isn't the kind of person that would review but he said he would review at least once a week but it depends how he is later on... maybe it will be more than that. :D

Anyways, I helped him make a account and he officially has one. :D His username is DrAwesome28 so type in his username and start following him. :D

He's a cool brother so let's make him feel welcome. :D

Thanks users :D I really appreciate it.

I am having an awesome time at my sleepover

I had a sleepover yesterday and my friends and I had a wonderful time. :D

We saw Tron: Legacy that I have on DVD because neither of my friends have seen it. :D They loved Tron: Legacy, they loved the special effects.

After that, my friends and I walked to Sonic to get something since it's close by my house and then went to GameStop.

We came back and then my friends and I would pass football in the front yard. :D

After that, my friends and I watched funny videos on Youtube. :D

Then, we would play video games such as Crisis 2, Gears of War 2, and Call of Duty: Black Opts. :D

And we watched a little bit of television then we went to sleep in the living room. :D

Last night was an awesome night :D

Today, my friends and I are playing video games, we had a big breakfast. :D

My friend Julio's birthday was last Friday so we're going to see the movie "Rio" to celebrate his birthday. :D

Then, go to Adventure Zone. :D

Then, play football pass,

Watch some television

Play video games

And neither of my friends haven't seen "Tangled" yet so we're gonna watch that tonight as well. :D

It's times like these that make me wish that I was a teenager forever. :D

Should I review new episodes of American Dad?

This may seem weird to you users or not BUT...

Every Sunday, I watch new Family Guy, new The Simpsons, and new American Dad.

I don't know what is wrong with me but for some whack jack reason... I review new Family Guy and new The Simpsons but I don't review new American Dad.

I don't know if I should start reviewing new American Dad for now on because I really enjoy that that show.

For those of you that read my reviews... do you think I should review new episodes of American Dad? :D

I think you users are going to enjoy on you see on my blog. READ THIS

Hey Everyone,

you already know who I am.

I just wanted to make this blog because I need more things to review.

You users get to request on what shows you want me to review.

Even if I haven't seen the show before, I'll still it.

All you have to do is tell me the name the show and episode of that show for me to review and then once I review the episode of that show, I will message you saying that I reviewed an episode of a show you requested. :D

For example: A user wants me to review one or two episodes from the "The Office", I will review it whenever I can and then will message that user. :D

I'm doing this because I figured it would be fun for you guys to request an episode from a show for me to review. :D

Here is the also fun part. :D I'll mention your username at the end of whatever episode of a show you requested so I can remember that moment. :D

Remember, that it could be more than one episode from a show or more than one show. :D I don't care how many I get, I'll have fun reviewing the shows of an episode that you requested. :D Even if I haven't seen that show before, I'll search for it on :D Have fun with this and I hope you guys find this fun as well. :D

SpongeBob SquarePants WON the Kids Choice Awards 2011!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

The nominees were Scooby-Doo, The Penguins of Madagascar, Phineas and Ferb, and SpongeBob SquarePants.

Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated is great but I hardly watch it on Cartoon Network. Vote: NO

Phineas and Ferb: I don't like it too much because of the same storylines, this cartoon should be only a kids cartoon for everyone to enjoy instead of a teen and kids cartoon. Vote: NO

The Penguins of Madagascar: I love this show because I love the penguins and the storylines are original and funny. Vote:????

SpongeBob SquarePants: I've always loved this cartoon since the day it first came to Nick and I will never stop loving it. Vote:????

Now, I put the ???? on SpongeBob and Penguins because I love both of those cartoons equally. I told myself that SpongeBob will be in my heart forever no matter what and so much happiness to me everytime I watch it. I want SpongeBob to win the Kids Choice Awards so bad. KCA 2008 was the worst year of my life because Avatar: The Last Airbender and wanted to punch them so bad.

The Penguins of Madagascar: Vote: NO

SpongeBob SquarePants: Vote: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was a very glorious day for mean and from that moment to now... I am still smiling. :D

SpongeBob SquarePants WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I knew that "Phineas and Ferb" wouldn't win because "SpongeBob SquarePants" is WAY more popular than "Phineas and Ferb".

Things you might want to know about me

It's already been over a month since I joined so I think it's time I tell you users what things that I like and things you might want to know about me. :D

Name: Tony Estrada (yes Tony is my nickname)

Full Name: Roberto Antonio Estrada

Birthday: July 13, 1994

Favorite Colors: Red and Blue

Shoe Size: 13

Favorite Cartoon: SpongeBob SquarePants

Fish Hooks

Camp Lazlo

The Penguins of Madagascar

The Simpsons

and a few more cartoons

Favorite TV Shows: George Lopez

My Wife and Kids

Good Luck Charlie

Wizards of Waverly Place

The King of Queens

Drake and Josh


and a few more TV shows

Favorite Movies: Toy Story trilogy

Monsters Inc.

Finding Nemo



The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009 remake)


Get Smart

Dinner for Schmucks


Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

Kung Fu Panda

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

The Social Network

The Expendables

The Dark Knight


TRON: Legacy


The Lion King


Harry Potter trilogy

Remember the Titans

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie


Despicable Me


The Terminator trilogy

Star Trek

Ice Age trilogy

Shrek trilogy

The Polar Express

Disney's A Christmas Carol

District 9

Favorite Food: Chicken Enchiladas

Spaghetti with Vegetables

Tortilla Soup


Favorite Drink: Horchata

Fruit Punch

Favorite Video Games: Gears of War 2


Call of Duty: Black Opts

TRON: Evolution

Guitar Hero

Rock Band

Madden 08-10

WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2007-2010

I'm happy when all of my friends and family are happy. :D

I don't like to see people hate each other.

I hate when you think you hear a noise in the dark and it always turns out to be something else.

I want to be a film critic when I grow up. :D

I love to visit Facebook and TV,com

I hate it when movies have horrible endings.

I love to paint and draw.

I play EXPERT level on both Guitar Hero and Rock Band. :D

I don't like it when people take advantage of you.

And last but not least..... I'm the nicest guy in the world. :D

Sweet! I can now use the On-Screen Keyboard to review :D I'm back

Okay right when I was worried that I wasn't going to review for a while

My friend from Facebook told me that I can use this On-Screen Keyboard for whatever keywords aren't working.

I might have to use the On-Screen Keyboard for now on but at least I can go back to doing what I do best. :D

Reviewing on and posting my statuses on Facebook. :D

HOORAY! and it's all thanks to one of my friends. :D Yay Yay Yay!!! Sweet. :D

ATTENTION: If my future reviews don't look weird is BECAUSE....

If my future reviews don't look weird is BECAUSE I corrected them in my Web Tech class, so since my "a" "s" "1" "2" keywords don't work at home which makes me angry. I'll correct my reviews in Web Tech.

I just wanted to let everyone know so that you users don't get confused. I really hope those four keywords work soon. I am so angry that my four keywords at home don't work.

Thanks for understanding you guys and I hope they work at home soon. I'm trying to fix them right now.

Have a nice day :D

What is your opinion on

It has been a month since I joined and I love it, love it, love it. I review because I love to watch shows from Disney Channel, Nick, and a few other channels. My opinion on is that I love it because I get to make blogs, be friends with users, and reviews shows and people. I watch alot of shows which some of you can obviously see if you've read most of my reviews or possibly all of it.

I love to review the shows. The show that I honestly love to the most than any shows in the world is SpongeBob SquarePants. I grew up with SpongeBob and I will never stop loving him. I review alot of shows in my time but SpongeBob SquarePants is my #1 favorite show to review. is such a great website.

What is your opinion on Give me explanations, reasons, or however you want to give your opinions. :D