Played WoT for 2+ years on the PC - in short, if you're a casual gamer it's good fun/value...otherwise you'll go nuts from grinding or go premium if you have money. Either one is a spiral of bad decisions.
Do like me, go play War Thunder by Gajin - it's a lot more fun, better graphics etc...
I hate to be so shallow - but i didn't hear a word in that clip. I kept wondering if Carolyn Petit was a man or a woman? I know, i know...can anybody tell?
I'm old school, i still use a beast of a desktop for my games but love the idea of having a laptop for work/gaming that I can just plug in a big ol monitor into. My biggest challenge is I love using my Mac for work, and it's not exactly a gaming laptop ;-/
PVP gives games like TF2 great longevity, you play with or against friends and it's always unpredictable. You can't script that into MMOs or PVE games no matter how good they are. I've been playing another great F2P called World of Tanks for over a year - just like TF2 they do everything right to keep things relatively fresh and interesting.
I'm impressed by how content-rich they are making this game, it is their strength and with regular updates this game will be richer in story than any other MMO i can remember playing. If they can re-work space combat into an X-Wing (for you old-timers) experience it will be really something special. I basically decided to play this game after seeing the space combat, right now it's very light in content and dynamics so looking forward to seeing that change.
tiggerlu's comments