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timmansimpson Blog

No School Today or Tomorrow

I went to school today... and the power was out. Sooo...

Our sophomore class had to sit in the cafeteria for two ours while the board of education decided whether or not to let us out of school...

It was the most wasted two hours of my entire life.

And tomorrow is an actual no-school day...


I Am So In Love With This...

The new song for the Metal Gear Solid stage is superbly amazing... I love it!!

It reminds me of Pirates of the Carribean... :P

Also, does anybody else see anything remotely homosexual about this picture?

Bored... and a Blog Header

Yep so i'm totally bored right now... i have no homework!!

thank God.

I got a new blog header!! its the.... WHAT POKEMON ARE YOU TEST!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a Blaziken :wink:

New Icon and other stuff

got a new icon: De Blob.. looks like a pretty cool game from what i can tell.. too bad i don't have a Wii.

also.. i put a sketch on deviantart.. haha its pretty horrible though. just thought i'd let you know incase you wanna make fun of me!! :lol: i cant copy and paster sooooooooooo... Crappy Dewy Sketch!!!! its the only thing in my gallery