Thats the only word I can think of for it. I have never been so hyped for a game and let down this bad. I suppose it was my fault for being so hyped for it but it doesn't change the fact that Resident Evil 6 isn't a good game. In fact, it's just a bad game. I wanted to try my hardest to deny that but...I just cant.
Yeah, yeah I know what some of you are thinking. Well that just your opinion bro. Well no duh. And I thought I was the master at stating the obvious. This blog is simply my thoughts on what I've played and why I can't be bothered to play any more of it. Disagree? Please post why but dont be an ass about it.
Anyways, yes I was really hyped for the game so it was a bit my fault. I saw the reveal trailer and couldn't hold my excitement. I mean it has Leon in the game! Usually Leon is in the best Resident Evil games (like Resident Evil 2 and 4). So I was pretty excited already. I also thought the trailer was just damn good.
More info started coming out for the game. I was intrigue and excited when I heard it will have three campaigns and even bring back Sherry Birkin. Everything just seems too good to be true. Well sadly, it was.
I eventually was able to play the Resident Evil 6 demo that came with Dragon Dogma. I was pumped and just ready to play it. I started off with Leon's demo and was greeted with a nice opening for him. The demo itself was pretty much you walking but I thought it was alright for what it was.
I then did Chris's demo and wasnt sure what to think about it. I didnt have that much fun with it and I actually had trouble with just aiming in the game. It was pretty dumb and had an awful QTE (get ready for me to rage about these later) in it. I simply just shrugged his demo off. I then tried Jake's demo which I had some fun with actually. It wasn't much but it was fun fighting that one monster. Running from him though wasn't as much fun. It just seemed kinda lame to be honest.
I didn't think too much about the demo really. It wasn't much so I didn't treat it like it was. I simply waited for the next demo and was still excited for it. It finally came out and after hearing some meh impression from a friend, I wasn't too excited now. Still I tried it and wasn't prepared for what I was going to play.
Leon's demo wasnt bad again but it had an awful car QTE at the end that just seems really pointless. I finished it and started Chris's demo. I was greeted with him riding a tank and I immediately turned off my ps3.
I didn't bother going back to it. It was just all too stupid from what I saw. Still, the Resident Evil fanboy inside me still got the game. I just couldnt believe that it was bad. I almost enjoyed every Resident Evil game out there except Operation Raccoon city. This was a mainline Resident Evil game. How could it be bad?
I was not prepared for what I was going to play. I first did the tutorial which had to be the worst tutorial ever. I mean I can't even describe how bad it is. It literally almost made me stop playing the game at all. The first part you're holding Leons partner, Helena, and you're told how to move around and look around. The problem is, you can only move forward by holding the left stick and this lasts for quite some time. It was just so lame, pointless, and...urg. Then later at the end...oh dear lord. You are greeted with one of the worst and dumbest QTEs of all time. It wasnt bad to do but...urg I cant describe how dumb it is. So heres a video. Just...why was this added? What is the point?
I started with Leon's campaign since his was supposed to be the best. Well it didn't start off bad. The first two chapters were pretty dark (maybe a bit too dark at times) and they had some nice set pieces. Still these set pieces were pretty frustrating for me. They were fun but I never seemed to have enough ammo so I always found myself kicking random zombies and losing health sometimes. It doesnt help that these huge fat zombies attack and it was kind of hard to hurt them early on.
When I got to chapter 3...man did the campaign started sucking. Bad. I just found the whole level to be uninteresting and it had some really annoying and not needed QTEs. I wouldn't say they were frustrating but they just seemed so pointless. Theres a part where you're being attacked by a giant shark and you use multiple QTEs to get away from it. Then later after, you're trying to reach for land when you're attacked by it again which enter some awkward QTE which happens 4 times. Its funny seeing how dumb Leon swims but it was not fun doing it. Just so not needed and hurts the pacing for me. The fourth chapter was also pretty uninteresting.
I really can't say much about it. I can barely remember it. It just wasnt interesting enough for me to remember the level design. Im sure it was somewhere in China though. Anyways, I started the fifth chapter which wasn't too bad at first but there was a few boss fights that just either dragged on or weren't fun. And then later on you are greeted again with one of THE worst QTEs in the game. It does such a bad job at explaining how to do it; it literally took me a minute to figure out.
So you're climbing up a rope to get away from a monster. The screen shows you the L1/R1 triggers and your first thoughts are probably, oh I got to press them in a rhythm or something. Nope. You have to press them like you were actually climbing a rope. So let say you press L1. Well you gotta keep a grip on L1 until you press R1. Then you let go of L1 and hold R1. Then you pretty much repeat that pattern.
The game does such a poor job at telling you this and this QTE really ruins the pacing or momentum you had going. I finished his campaign and just couldn't believe what I've played. I now have zero desire to go back to the game. I just know Chris and Jake campaigns will kill my love for the series. The only good thing that came from RE6 was that I got the code for RE1-5. So I can have all the good Resident Evil games, except 6, on one system.
I don't care what people say about the old control schemes. At least the games were good and fun. Not filled with cutscenes and QTEs that got in the way. Yes RE4 and 5 had QTEs but I never felt they got in the way. Beside the games was actually fun to play. I didnt even care for the shooting in RE6. I could complain about RE6 more but this is enough. I wrote about 1300 words or more.
That much for a game? Yes. If you actually view that as a problem, please go away. You might as well complain about anything people complain about. I simply took 40 or so minutes to write out my thoughts. And for anyone asking for a tl;dr version, no. Stop being lazy and actually read. For the people that did read, thank you. (:
This is simply my opinion. If you disagree, please comment on why and be respectful on it. I understand people think differently about games and this was all simply my opinion. Thank you for reading and have a good night/day/whatever.
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