I just feel like saying that. Just to increase my e-peen. >.> So um grab some booze and say congrats to me? I'm level 40, got over 10000 posts, and a part of Hype and Gufu. Man I spent a lot of time on this site. >.>
Oh well. :3
I just feel like saying that. Just to increase my e-peen. >.> So um grab some booze and say congrats to me? I'm level 40, got over 10000 posts, and a part of Hype and Gufu. Man I spent a lot of time on this site. >.>
Oh well. :3
Right now someone is reinstalling it just because I mentioned the game. >.>
Anyways this was another game I got for free from a friend. Yeah I never played the game till a few days ago. Is that bad? :P Anyways thanks to Arach for gifting me the game. Don't know what I did to deserve it. I got two free games from Koei, Serious Sam from Ly, and now Deus Ex from Arach. :P Thank you all! :3
I've been playing it on my crappy laptop. Like really crappy laptop. I get bad frames whenever there's more than two people on screen. :( Still I'm loving the game. Wished I played it earlier. I'm going for a more action route on my first playthrough. I'm going to start another record on my main computer and be more stealthy. I'm not good at being sneaky though. :P
Right now I'm 24 hours in I think. I'm still nowhere near done with the game though. I like to play slow. :P
That's about it really. Thanks for reading and yeah. Get out.
Yep I'm level 40. I is gamespot virgin nao? >.> :P
So I've been playing quite a few games this past week. Two from Koei(read older blogs) and Serious Sam HD first encounter or something like that. It was gifted on steam to me from a friend on gamespot. I won't mention the user name though just because of stupid petty reasons really. (Honestly I would say more but for my sake I won't.) You know who you are though. (Thanks :3) >.>
Warriors Legend of Troy
A warriors game you say? I must love it then! :o No I do not. In fact Legend of Troy is quite bad. It feels like a poor Warrior game. Of course I'm not too far in it. However it certainly didn't give me a good impression.
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll
Unlike Legend of Troy, I'm enjoying Trinity. It certainly got it flaws but I still had fun playing the game. The story seems pretty bad so far but that may change when I get to play more of the game.
Serious Sam HD first encounter
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
*Sorry about the poor image. I like to thank OneSan, Luxen, and Valiant Rebel for playing the game with me a bit. :]
Not much I can say about the game really. It's a blast playing with friends. Also fun to shoot down hordes of enemies. :P If you want to play a game with me then just send a friend request to gstimmy00 on steam. I do like talking to gamespot members outside of gamespot and maybe get to know them a bit. Just send me a random message or whatever. I won't bite. :P
Also I has new sig. :3
Thanks for reading. Now get out. :P
If you haven't heard, basically I helped them with a few things and they contacted me. To show their appreciation. :3
No it wasn't advertising. :| *looks at a certain user* :P
They're basically sending me two free games. Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll and Warriors: Legend of Troy.
Yeah they might not be the best rated game out there but I'm a fan of Koei stuff and pssh reviews. :P Both are on the PS3 because well one of them is exclusive to it and they gotta be region free. They're coming from Europe! :o Beside I wouldn't mine trying them. :3
I'm not sure if I'm getting something other than those. I'll post pictures of both games when I can. Can't wait. :3
"Thank you for being a part of our troops. Our appreciation goes to Timmy, Mark and Reiss for helping us to help and answer the wall posts from other warriors by reading our updates. Please contact us to claim your KOEI gift from the emperor."
Pretty cheesy but I'll take it! =D I'll update when I learn more. :P
Hell I might as well post it. I got nothing to really talk about. Actually I kinda do but that can wait till next blog. >.>
PSN: gstimmy00
Steam: GStimmy00
XBL: Narutotim12
So feel free to add me, not care, etc. I just wanted to post them really. :/
Um, the only games I have for Steam is really the stuff from the Orange Box. I did download Alien Swarm but never really played it. I don't have a mic for anything really so don't expect to hear my voice. I'm a fast typer though. :P
Really I should be adding most of you guys but either I don't have the time or I'm lazy. :( Usually the I don't have time. >.>
Also please send me a message saying who you are. Just so I know...well who you are. >.>
Now get out. :| :P
I posted this on HYPE but might as well blog about it. It's ******* hilarious. :lol:
Warning: Pretty bad language. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw1IwL6jLNM&feature=feedu
Kiddy version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxCZNNV_g8E&feature=feedu
TL;DR of what's going on- A new thing called video bumping have been exposed to Youtube. It seems a lot of major youtubers have been doing this for quite a bit. (FPSRussia, Woodysgamertag, I'm willing to bet William Ray Johnson does this too. Wouldn't doubt it since he's a big tool. ) This basically allows a person current video to be bumped up to a youtuber sub box. This allows them to get more views. (Which sometimes give them more money with Youtube partnership) This also blocks out other videos. It's a cheap way to get more money and it's plain sick.
Here's two videos explaining what video bumping is.
(Bad language) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxvIbEM1zmA&feature=related
Just something funny for you guys to watch if you have the time to waste. However I do urge you to unsubscribe to people that video bump. People like FPSrussia, Woodysgamertag, Wings of Redemption, Xjawz, probably most big youtubers out there, etc are just big tools.
Also sometimes when a user is uploading a new video, it will bump their old one till the new one is done rendering. So make sure you learn the difference. :P
So I've been at Myrtle Beach for the past few days for vacation. I was lucky enough to have internet connection here but it's slow. Like very slow. I also don't have Skype on this laptop so I couldn't chat with my fellow homies at Hype. :[
I'm going back home around Saturday. Then I got like a month or more of vacation left before I go to Eastland career center. I'm so excited and nervous. :P
So yeah I'm just telling you what I've been doing this week. :3
Hey guys and maybe girls. >.>
Just got a two important things I want to post. I'll just post them and get it over real quick.
There's a new issue of system Wars magazine that just been posted. You can find it here. They got an article about the top 5 games with cut content, reviews of LA Noire, Soul Caliber 2, Dynasty Warriors 7 ( :3), and a few others. Go ahead and read it and post any comments about it over there. Everyone worked hard on it. :P
The other is that the Speed Gamers will be having a marathon for Star Wars games. I believe it starts July 8-15. You can go here and watch it when it starts. You can donate money and they will go to some kind of charity. I'm not sure what charity it is for the Star Wars marathon but it's probably something good. :P
Anyways I got a couple of new Gamecube games I got at a local gamestop. I actually been going there for the past few weeks and just been buying old Gamecube games. >.> Just so you know, I probably played most of these games but either lost them or my little bro broke them so I had to buy them again. :(
I got Pikmin, Super Smash Bros. Melee, F-zero GX, Star Fox Adventures, Resident Evil 0, Viewtiful Joe, and Mario Kart Double Dash. All of them are great games. Though F-Zero is insanely hard. I'm still stuck on the 3rd chapter. Doesn't help that I'm bad at the game. >_>
I also been trying to find Pikmin 2. However, I hear it's really rare. It's also expensive. At amazon it's like $98 for a new copy. ; _ ;
Well that all I got for now. So yeah...get out of my channel page! :x
Because I don't know what to blog anymore! >.>
Here's the link.Drop on by and talk about traps, pokemons, balls, games, etc. I understand if you don't want to though. :P
I might just blog random updates and other ****. I should also read your guys blogs some more but I'm too lazy. >_>
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