I thought Journey was some $5 indie game? If that’s what he considers “premium” then I agree, he should stay away from those games. Think I played it for about 2 minutes before I was overwhelmed with yawning.
Also the first time I’ve even heard of “live-service” games…are these people just making crap up? Very sound of it makes me wanna gag and like something only some lazy, greedy devs would benefit from.
Give us a finished product and F off…that’s all gamers want.
Live-action adaptations shouldn’t even exist…they have to be an idiot and have little respect for the original thing for starters, then its a success virtually never. Stick to doing original stuff or if anything another anime which usually works out better.
@yakitysmakity: Well, I watch a good deal of anime and the OLED is hands down the winner as well.. in fact; nothing’s looked better.. the only kind of content I watch on it is of the highest quality.. none of that streaming crap. And yeah, I always keep the contrast and all that max’d out but its never hurt the picture IMO and is plenty bright enough for my needs… There’s more trade-offs going LED I think and I can’t imagine going back…OLED will keep getting better while LED will still be LED no matter how you try to dress it.
I can only think of this appealing to an ultra niche crowd…like for those rare instances where playing on a laptop would be less practical than this. Also the only PC games I’d ever be interested in playing are most competitive in nature where this just wouldn’t suffice.
Has any movie actually made big money since the pandemic? Especially with the majority of them being released digitally.. And I can’t imagine this 1 being super highly anticipated.. (never heard of it til now, but looks like another mediocre comedy).
As a man of principle and who already see’s enough scams/ads everyday; Gamespot better tighten up or lose another long time user.. I already don’t visit any other game sites as it is. Its time to just close shop if you have to resort to such methods.
Bunch of greedy bastards running the show now for sure who don’t care if their little visitors get scammed or ripped off.. helping scalpers advertise and every other form of POS on the internet.
No TV is perfect and they come out with minor improvements every couple years or so.. But simple fact is OLED is currently the newest & best tech in that category which 100% of reviews agree with; except for those of certain circumstances… Basically they’ll just tell you to go with LED if you often watch in brightly lit rooms and aren’t so much a movie person or whatever and OLED for everyone else (who can afford it, and fortunately they’re becoming much more affordable now).
As for the brightness thing.. I don’t know how many nits mine is but its enough to blind me and sometimes I even have to adjust the settings a bit. But I’ll take perfect blacks over staring directly at the sun any day. But in the end its whatever you’re content/happy with…
Unfortunately what a lot of people don’t realize is that there’s now an elevated risk when returning to normal activities; especially when the pandemic is still very much a thing… All it takes is 1 disgruntled individual that thinks you’re just adding to the problem or don’t care that his family died, or just plain lost their shit… Next thing you know a church is getting burned down, parties getting shot up, etc.
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