I do care because I'm only 17... that was the point of why I couldn't buy it at Future Shop.
tinkles87's forum posts
This story is easy enough. Boxes for M games say 17+ right above the big M. The guys at EB Games take that to mean you have to be 17 or older to buy that game and allow me to do so. The people of Future Shop take the 17+ to mean you have to be 18 or older to buy it. Now I know what you're thinking "Why don't you just buy all your games from EB?" Well sometimes Future Shop has games for quite a bit less. So I want to know who is right about the age thing, and if it is Future Shop why doesn't ESRB change the 17+ to an 18+ ?
This is from last year but is relevant to this situation
..........................................KOTOR 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe not to these extremes but I agree
Saints Row 2 has fingerless gloves. I spent like 3 hours all together looking for those in GTA 4... I'm still hopeful that the next DLC will include them
I keep trying to load my game but once the little loading bar thing finishes it takes me back to the title screen and I get an ERROR message that says "Save game saved with different script files". First what does that mean and second do I have to start a new game?
Not to get technical but if there are story driven achievements you are technically playing for achievements. Anyways I only play for achievements if it seems like it's fun or if I'm bored.
I beat Fable 2 in less than ten hours.
I beat Assassin's creed in 15 hours
I beat Gears of war in 5 hours.
I beat key of heaven in 20 hours.
I have no life :(
What else is a good game?? Are any games worth 60 bucks?
What iskey of heaven?
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