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Another day in Gameland

I bought Friday, during my weekly shopping, In Memoriam, a pc adventure game. Here at GS it's better known as Missing : Since January. I read about a year ago several reviews in French speaking magazines and they were pretty positive about this game. When I saw it at 11 euro, I decided to buy it. I never buy adventure games at full price because they have a replay value of 0.00! My first adventure game for pc that I played was Amerzone, a French production after a story of Benoît Sokal. He's the one who made some years later Syberia. But the puzzles in those 2 games were not the type of puzzle that I like. So I stopped buying adventure games. Even if I want to try for a long time now Myst and its sequels (I read that Myst V: End of Ages will come out and that I will be the last one in the series).

But In Memoriam is totally different from most other adventure games : no running around and no clicking like crazy like you have to do in some adventure games. As a matter of fact, I find the whole idea behind this game amazing. Let me tell you about it : a journalist and his partner are missing and the newspaper where the man works for, thinks (or is almost certain) that they are kidnapped by a serial killer. Your tasks are : solving puzzles that the kidnapper himself left on a cd-rom that he sent to the journal and by doing so finding the place where probably the 2 persons are kept prison. So, your playing cd-rom is actually the cd-rom that he sent. But, that's not all...to solve the puzzles you 'll have to use the internet a lot, without you're nothing! And also you receive emails from people who will give you sometimes clues to make it easier to find the answer. There are al ot of different puzzles : a puzzle where you have to test your dexterity, finding the names of persons on a picture(with the aid of the internet), putting screenshots of a movie in the right order, and so on. Let me add that astrology, archaeology, esoterism, astronomy, mythology and ancient languages play an important role.

Till now I played for 5 hours : a kind of intro and several puzzles that are linked to the element "water". So, normally I'll still have to find a lot of answers (water, fire, air, earth). Only the intro and the first element "water" contained already more than 15 puzzles and most of the time every puzzle is divided in several small puzzles. Some of them are quite easy. But others...

But I definitely like this game. I could tell you more about it but then I would reveal too much about the history in the history, because finding the place where the 2 are kept prison isn't the only thing that you're trying to find...

A word of advice : if you want to try out Im Memoriam, install the patch that you can find here.

I also started playing Vampire, the Masquerade : Bloodlines. By answering some questions the game decided that I would play as a female Gangrel, one of the vampire clans. Before playing I installed the official patch and till now, no problems. I only played for a couple of hours and till now I like it. Without any doubt!

More another time...have fun! :)

A goodbye

Yes, indeed I said "goodbye" , not to someone but to something.: I decided today to cancel my account for WoW. It just took too much free time and I have so many other (good) games to play. With playing WoW, I just hadn't any time left for other games. So, that's my decision...Colos, my main character will never reach level 60, but I had great fun playing with him and my other characters.

I will never forget WoW, it will always stay in my memory as a great game, one that I enjoyed playing and one that I will miss, that's for sure.

But so many other games shout to me "come on, pick me and start playing, you'll have a great time! " And that's what I'm planning to have :)

I still have Guild Wars to play as a MMORPG. With WoW I had also the feeling "yes, you must play, you're paying every month for doing that". I felt too much obligated to play. I don't have that same feeling with GW; here I have all the time to level up and at my pace. And that's good.

To those who are playing WoW and are planning to play it for a long time :

ENJOY !!! It's a great game!!! WoW!!!!

First Fantasy

Hi everyone, hope you're all doing fine :)

The last few days I played a lot Guild Wars but I 'm planning to start with my Final Fantasy series. But...(there's always a but) I can't do it now! I have to wait till I have PS 1 memory cards...yes, my dear friends, you can't save your progress in a PS 1 game on a PS 2 memory card on a PS 2 console! They say that you never are too old to learn, well that was my lesson for the day a few days ago.As soon that I knew it, I ordered some PS 1 memory cards, I expect them to be delivered tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I hope, because the Belgian mail isn't the most reliable!

But as soon as my memory cards arrive, I start with Final Fantasy I (even if prefer to start immediately with FF VII, but I'm a good girl, :roll: I'll start at the beginning). I already managed to read the manual between my Guild Wars sessions and I have 4 characters to play with.You can choose their names so I had an idea...why not using first names of people that I know from Gamespot and I decided to take KEN, MATT, BAM and TIN :shock: (Sorry to the ones who weren't chosen :? ) So now my question is : which jobs do you want that your alter ego has in FF I ? You can choose between :

* Warrior : powerful warrior, master of physical combat with superior weapon control,has high strength.

* Thief : agile and perceptive warrior with high attack accuracy, can be equipped with a variety of different weapons.

* Monk : warrior monk, with great physical and mental strength. Specialist at unarmed combat.

* Red Mage : skilled in the use of both black and white magic. However unable to use advanced magical techniques.

* White Mage : specialises in white magic to heal and protect others, low vitality however.

* Black Magic : deals great damage to foes with powerful black magic, physically weak and not suited to physical combat.

I must say that I already thought about taking the following :

Ken = Warrior

Matt = Thief

Bam = White Mage

Tin = Black Mage

But that still can be changed! :)


Hi every one!!! :) How are you? I hope you're all well and healthy !!...And enjoying your games of course :)

It's been a long time since my last entry; almost 2 months ago to be exact. :oops:

All that time I spent my free time playing WoW. I started this game with Alliance characters but at some moment I tried some Horde characters and I really loved to play with them. Some months ago, my main character was a Night Elf Hunter called Silverbloom but now my main character is Colos, a Tauren Warrior who is now level 26. He has still a long way to go till he reaches that magical level 60. I played with him my first instance dungeons, something that I didn't like in the beginning but now I'm getting used to it. I play with him on a PvP server and he died already a lot. I 'm not against fighting other human players (otherwise I wouldn't have come to a PvP server) but the way that I died most of the time, I really didn't like that. For some quests you have to be in contested area and it's very hard to complete your quests there when you're a level 20 player. When you're fighting a mob some other (very high leveled) human players attack you in the back. I don't know what they like about that!!! They even get dishonorable kills in the Honor system for such a kill but they do it anyway, just to annoy you. I have nothing against when another players attack me ONLY if he or she is almost of the same level as Colos is. That's a real challenge, but attacking a much lower level player in the back when he's fighting a mob, isn't a fight... it's an act of cowardliness (had to use my dictionary for this one!)!!

But I will continue my journey with Colos. On a PvP server it's even more rewarding when you can complete quests in contested areas and because of that leveling up. One day, I will say : Colos has reached level 60!!! That's a promise...

As much as I like to play WoW, I need some variation in my gaming experience. So, last week I decided to buy Guild Wars , another MMORPG. I played for some hours already, but till now it can't beat the richness of gameplay in WoW. There's so much more in WoW. An example : in both games hunters (in Guild Wars they're called "rangers") can have pets but in WoW you can select when and what your pet has to attack, which stance it has to take (aggressive, defensive and so on), in GW it attacks every enemy that attacks you and that's all. In WoW you can learn new abilities to your pet when it levels up, nothing of that in GW. Another fact : in WoW you must see that you have always food for your pet, in GW your pet is never hungry! So, for me, WoW is more realistic than many people think. They see the cartoon like graphics of WoW and see then the "more realistic" graphics of GW and ...Wham! WoW is more childish than GW in their opinion.Why always that war between the "followers" of different games, why not just enjoying the 2 games and basta!!

I started to play "Bard's Tale" for the PS 2. Finally I found the character to say "no, I'm not going to play WoW today!"Till now, it's fun. My bard is just going to his second town. More will follow...

As with many things (and I know I'm not the only one!!!) when I buy a game and there are more games in the same series, I want them all because I want to know the whole story and I want to see how the game evolved during the years. So, when I started to buy Final Fantasy X and VIII for PS2 I wanted them all. Now, in the US or in other countries that's an easy thing, well here in Belgium, it isn't !!! Even a specialised store for games won't sell Final Fantasy VII or,even worse, Final Fantasy Origins or Anthology. You have to use the Net, no other way to get those games in your collection. Luckily Ebay exists!! The last few weeks I've been bidding on copies of FF VI, FF Origins and FF Anthology. And now...I have them all!!!! And while I was at Ebay I also bought Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance (sorry Znuggles :( ) and Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance II for the PS 2. My PS 2 game collection is growing...

Well, that's it for this time...now just finding a title for this entry...got it!

Hope you're all well...and happy gaming!! Bye :) :) :)

My first week in Azeroth

Yes, indeed I just left my first week of WoW behind me. And like so many others before me, I just can say one thing : WOW !! So many things to see, so many things to do, so many things to learn and so many new people to meet. And all that in beautiful landscapes !! My favourite landscapes are the plains and mountains of the mighty and noble Tauren and the forrests (the only exception are those spiders!) and woods of the graceful and wise Night Elves.

In the beginning I was rather shy to make contact with other players to team up because it's my first online game ever and my first MMORPG ever but that shyness is already gone. When I see that I can't do a quest on my own I look for other players to do some quests together.

I find it amazing that you can play together with people from all over Europe. I already teamed up with Danish, British and Italian people (I don't know about the others, I hadn't always the time to ask that question). But there's one thing that I would love to do : that's playing together with some people that I know from GS here. But I must warn you : I'm a RPG newbie AND a MMORPG newbie :oops: ) But I do my best...:) And they have become real die hard WoW players and they had their copy of WoW a week before me so their characters have levels ranging from 10 to 25.

In a previous entry I mentioned that I wouldn't play during night time and I must admit that that arrangement suits me well. Normally I play 2 or 3 hours a day but sometimes it's less (some days not at all even :shock: ) and sometimes it's more. When I have the time I even play before noon but it's very calm and quiet on the servers then.

I use the days that I don't play WoW to read the massive amount of info about WoW or I play a new game on my PS 2 or my 'Cube. I started this afternoon "Shadow Hearts" for the PS 2. It's a turn based RPG with a good story and a very peculiar battlesystem, you have to use the Judgement Ring. Never seen that before. In March the second game in this serie is released in Europe, it's called "Shadow Hearts : Covenant". There's a big chance that I will buy it.

But now again about WoW; I will introduce to you my characters :

* Ananda, a Tauren Druid (level 10) : my favourite character, he's on the Doomhammer server, he learned 2 primary skills [Skinning(level 85) and Leatherworking(46)] and 2 secondary skills [Fishing(83) and Cooking(21)]

* Silverbloom : Night Elf Hunter (level 7), on the Doomhammer server

* Sunblade : Human Warrior (level 6), my least favourite character, also on the Doomhammer server

* Fee : Gnome Warlock (level 7), on the Doomhammer server

*beside these 4 characters I also created 2 others : Thunderbolt (Dwarf Paladin) and Kolos (Tauren Shaman), also on the Doomhammer server, but I haven't played with them

If anyone wants to team up with me, let me know something.

I don't know if I will play on a PvP server, I think it's rather a nervous thing to do. But when I'm more used to all the possibilities of this game, I will give it a try. But when?

Like all new MMORPG games, WoW has its beginner faults. Sunday I played with Fee the Gnome Warlock and I teamed up with Stormy, a Gnome Mage. We just finished a quest when Stormy could hardly move. It took me 2 minutes to go to the main building, it took Stormy ...10 minutes !!! I thought that his boots needed a repair but that wasn't the case. Then he logged out and then later logged in again. And he had his normal walking speed again. We went on another quest, finished it and ...BAM (no, no , I don't mean you, Bam :) ) he had the same problem again. I read in the WoWthread of Tremor's Imperiate that some people had other problems like a looting bug. But the Blizzard guys will fix that. They're well known for the quality of their games. I have full confidence that they will solve all those problems.

Well, that's it for today, see you soon, bye bye and have fun!! :)

Yeah, the END...and a NEW beginning :)


Some minutes ago, I just finished LotR : The Third Age for a full 100 %(all the chapters for 100 %). Including all the last battles against the Trolls, the 8 Nazguls and finally The Darkness himself, Lord Sauron!

I found it quite annoying this last chapter because there are several ways to go and to find the battles ,together with the great Aragorn ,is not that easy. I did a lot of running around before I found the spot where Aragorn joins the battles. Due to that running around like a chicken without a head I did 4 battles against 2 Mumakils instead of 1(yes Matt, you read it well, 4 battles against those elephant look-a likes!). But I had no problem at all defeating them.

The battles together with Aragorn against Troll captains and the last Nazguls, are rather easy to win.

I had to retry the final battle, against Sauron,a second time because the first time he had my 3 characters under the Darkest Fear spell before I noticed it and then the battle was over. But the second time, was the right one, I finally defeated him ans with that I finished my first RPG-game! WOW!!! :)

Here are some numbers: I finished the game in about 34 hours. The final levels of the party are : Berethor (77), Idrial (73), Eaoden (73), Hadhod (67), Elegost (65) and finally Morwen (61).

My first experience with a rpg-game wasn't that bad at all, if I have to be completely honest, I liked this rpg-game more than most action games. I hope that the RPG's that I will (certainly!) play in the future are as pleasant as this one. This game is a good introduction to the turn based RPG's. It made me very enthusiastic to play other rpg's. I hope one thing, that is that the story in these RPG's is stronger than in LotR : The Third Age. But it wasn't that bad. I'm going to rate this game with a 8.3 in my collection list.


Now it's time to start with another game...and like some of you already know, it will be WoW!!!

Yesterday morning I did my weekly shopping and I held for the first time the WoW-box in my hands...and I was completely LOST!!! Before, I thought that I would never play this game because I'm against these monthly fees, but this game looks so great, that I will make an exception for once. This will be the only MMORPG that I will play in my entire life, that I know. But I want also to know the feeling to play such a game. It will be my first online game EVER. So I have also my doubts if I'm suited to play this kind of game. I'll see it when I'm there .

Some months ago, I started to read (just out of curiosity!) the info on the Blizzardsite about the races and classes. Then I said to myself that if I would play this game, I would play normally as a Night Elf Hunter. But now, I'm going to read the manual, the GS game guide and the info on the WoW-website first and then decide about the race and the class.. So, I have a lot of catching up to do : reading as well as playing WoW because some friends here at GS are way ahead of me in this game. I know that I won't play at night. Due to an illness that I have,( it's called CFS =Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) I really need my night sleep every day.So I will play just during day time and evenings. I hope that even in the afternoon I will meet a lot of people (and hopefully kind people!) on the servers.

Well, that's it for this time... enjoy the rest of the weekend !! :)

CHRIS QUIZ - part 8

Here I am again ! I hope that Znuggles won't know this movie so quickly so that the others have also a chance to win some points. You know, Znuggles, you're a walking movie encyclopedia :)

The 2 names are :

* Dennis Hopper

* Barbara Hershey

Same rules as always : no googling gnomes, no IMDB !! Good luck !! :)

CHRIS QUIZ - ranking

After 7 episodes of the CHRIS QUIZ here is the ranking :

* Znuggles : 11 points :)

* Bam : 5 points

* Ponja : 1 point

* Carolyn and WerePaladin : 0 points :(

It's time to wake up people, Znuggles is getting away !!!

Another Chris Quiz - part 7

Here I am again with a new episode of the CHRIS QUIZ :

The 2 names are : * Tom Skerritt * David Morse

As always, the same rules apply....good luck :)....GOOOOO !