Keep games and social apps to a certain level of involvement. Devs need to hold more confidence in their own abilities instead of chaining themselves to conglomerates. The interaction of social apps and gaming is fine, but only so long as games are the focus, but when you're owned by facebook your developing for users not gamers.
@wiserat4 Don't make judgements if you haven't played the game. I despise the first infamous and yet the second is one of my favorite games. Give it a chance, just because it's big doesn't mean it's bad. Yeah there are alot of games like that, but infamous earned some credibility.
@Diegoctba the ending was terrible, bunt not because of that. It was bad because they threw away themes of racial intolerance and replaced them with a half assed attempt at explaining multi-verse theory. The only reason i feel so is that Zero Escape essentially did the same thing, but fleshed it out more and remained consistent. Along with the fact that drowning you accomplished nothing in the context of the story. Elizabeth said it herself there is always going to be a universe where comstock exists so drowning you doesn't ensure comstock will stop existing.
"Story is functional at best". Yeah okay buddy. Implying COD doesnt have the deep and subtle intricacies that make it such a viceral exper... heh. Can't say that with a straight face.
As much as I enjoyed the game I must admit that it had way to many flaws in logic and gameplay, but the music was top notch. Hoping BaS is an improvement.
@DIGN Gta 5 got a good score, He should rereview beyond 2 souls. Talks about bad gameplay and then gives a 9 to one that has barely any. A decent story I can understand, but I'm about done with the game and it's more of a 5 game.
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