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tiredoldguy Blog

How Stupid is NBC

:( I am amazed at the stupidity at black rock! How can they go with 5 hours a week of Leno in Prime time. Parks & Recreations, what a stinker. The Trump comb-over hours. What has happened to this network? Kings a piece of television done in the classic style (good plot, well acted, great film) was canned, And now, when they finally have a great property in Chuck, hip, smart, and witty. it looks like NBC in another fit of brilliance will toss Chuck under a bus.

Networks wonder why they constantly lose viewer-ship to the "cable" channels. Perhaps its because that is where the smart, witty, hip, stuff is being shown.!

Kings, much better then expected!

:) I am a happy camper tonight. I did not waste two hours on a new TV show. To be honest, I did not have high expectations for Kings. As a matter of fact I thought it might be a commercial filler for Au Pair 3 (LOL), I was wrong, the show was well written, had some nice production values, a nice "emotion quotient", and was good enough so that I will be back for more.

:cry::x Monday, the finale of Kyle XY. What a mistake! I still cannot believe that the show that made ABC Family a viable network is dead. The show was finally getting back on track after a blagh second season. I will miss this teen angst/sci-fi show. The replacements to do not look promising.

Where is Global Warming when we need it!

Come on. its been snowing here for days, weeks, it seems like forever! Al Gore said that because of Global Warming,the area I live in will become Tropical. When, I am so ready now! I hope you are all safe and warm where ever you are.

Wow, Finally back!

Well, trust me when I say its been a long hard road getting here, After several false starts, enough medical problems to sink a boat, and assorted other problems, I am back on-line, hopefully for good. To all my old friends here, I am looking forward to renewing our friendship. I am also looking forward to meeting and making new friends along the way. That's it for now.

My DVR is exploding!

I finally broke down and got a DVR. Just in time. Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Next Food Network Star, Starter Wife, 4400, Eureka, Burned, Monk, and who knows what else.

I am finding that I like the "Summer Season" much better t hen the "Fall/Winter" season. I mean come on all we have to look forward to this winter is the GEICO Cavemen!

Ok, out for now, just getting back in the saddle after yet another hospitalization.

Will write back soon.

Another season - Why do we even call them seasons anymore?

It appears as though we will have a bunch of new shows and new episodes of old shows starting in May and June. This is dubiously titled the summer season. Let me see if I have it right. We have the Fall season, the mid-fall replacement season, the winter season, the mid-winter replacement season, and the summer season.

I may hafve missed a season, but to me it looks like the calendar has been changed to the "Nelson" calendar. What ever happened to giving the fans an oppertunity to enjoy a show? What ever happened to a 26 episode season? What ever happened to a 13 week season. It now appears that shows are developed on a six week arc and then fans and creators pray for more time.

All I know is that I'm confused and pissed off by all of this. I cannot believe that the "networks" actually don't understand why they are losing viewers. Maybe because they are not courting viewers!



A Sad note!

My firends, you have read my ups and downs for some time. This is a down. My wife of 31 years passed over yesterday April 25th at 6:30pm EDT. The good news is that she went in her sleep and had no pain. The bad news is that I was not with her at the end and did not get to say goodbye, to hold her hand or touch face her one last time.

She wanted to go to New York to be with her mother and sisters, and at the time when she wnt it appeared that it was the best course of action. We believed that we could get some more advanced treatments and would return to me stronger then ever. We were wrong, apparntly her condidtion at the time was graver then she admitted to myself or her familiy.

Had I been selfish and not let her go, I would have had the luxuary of being with her at the end. Perhaps this is better in a way because my last memories of her were as the vital, beautiful, women she was.

Spring Training means its Fantasy Baseball Time!

Its that time of year!  Spring training camps have opened and its Fantasy Baseball Time. 

As many of you know, mainly because I have bored you with details, I am a Fantasy Football and Baseball fanatic. 

I would like to do something a little different this year.  I would like to run a league with people I communicate with on an ongoing basis.  If any of you are interested in getting into a fantasy baseball league (no cost), please let me know sap.  The time required is as large or as small as you desire.  You can closely manage your team making changes in lineup and making trades daily, or you be laid back and just go with the flow. 

I can tell you that it is lots of fun and can be very frustrating at the same time!  If you are a novice looking to try it or a pro looking for a less intense league, here is your chance.  PM me or comment.

Same song, new tune

Once again we are coming the the "close" of several series.  Monk, and Psych just to name two. 

I have railed and complained about this before so I'll try not to take to much time on the subject.

I am tired of the split seasons.  It was bad enough when shows held back episodes so they could show new stuff during "sweeps". Yes, I want to go back to one season with summer repeats.  I'll even settle for two seasons with winter and summer repeats, but this 1/4 - 13 week season is for the birds!

Shows that don't know when to bow out gracefully.

I suppose that Networks and Sports Superstars have many things in common.  One thing they have in common is not getting out (canceling) while on top. 

Take a show like "The Apprentice", when it came out it was fresh, hot and did some really neat stuff.  Now, 6 seasons later, it has degenerated into a high school pool party with product placement as its driving force.  I have no clue why a network that would dump a quality show at the drop of a hat would hang on to this dog long after it should have been put down for the sake of mercy. 

Even though I have singled out this particular show, we can all site examples.  Perhaps at one time they were our favorite, or a guilty pleasure, now it is just painful to watch them. 

Please join with me in a moment of silence  for these dead shows that just don't know it! :cry: