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tiredoldguy Blog

A night worth waiting for!

Monk rides in an big rig and Kirk gets down to business. What a wonderful night of Televison.  It was one of those rare nights when you watched for enjoyment and not to fill time. 

From the Take Home Chef (Thanksgiving dinner for the city of Monrovia fire department & family) to The Wrath of Kahn, it was just a memorable night.  I am suprised I was able to get up for work this morning.  As most of you in the community know, Star Trek has landed on TvLand.  They are kicking it off the "launch" with a huge marathon composed of the shows and the movies.   I'm in heaven.

And then there is Monk!  What more needs to be said.  I am not going to spoil it for those of you who have not caught the episode yet, but this episode had some momments that just made you want to call your father.

A great day  Just a great day!

Getting older and trying to stay awake!

Funny story, 30 Rock moved to Thursday in a great position to not compete with other shows I like to watch, so what happens, I fell asleep about 3/4 of the way through and missed the ending! Am I the only one who hates it when you fall asleep during one show, wake up in the middle of another and you can't tell the differance, or worse can't remember what the original show was. :cry:Off to the prom 

No real reason for this picture other then it reminded me that another Holiday season will soon be with us. Some people will get all gussied up then do stupid stuff like drive drunk!  Please when you celebrate this year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, if you drink, get a designated driver!  Don't be a statistic.  I don't have enough friends as it is!


Another day another 50 cents before taxes!

Thursday has rolled around, tonight 30 Rock appears in its new slot.  I don't think it will help, but it definately can't hurt.  Jericho was not bad last night, even though Eric lived for another day. 

I am happy that Men in Trees has not been canceled, on the other hand ABC is doing everything they can in my opinion to kill it.  Once again it is not on the schedule, dumped in favor of some Baba Wawa special.

I hope that some of got to watch the Glenn Beck special on Islamic Terrorism last night.  It was a real eye opener and should really be a wake-up call to all Americans who believe that Political Correctness is the way to go. 

Juggling TV shows

Sometimes I wonder if there is a degree for TV show juggling!  Have you ever noticed that some days there is nothing you really want to see, and other days there is so much that if you had multiple DVR's, VCR's, or other recording tools, you still would miss something. :cry:  Personally, I think its a plot by created by the communist liberal democrats to keep all Red Blooded Americans off balance! :lol:Typical parde of our heroes.

Hope you are all having a great Veterans Day weekend, I hope that you will honor our Vets in some way this weekend.  They fought so we could be free!.

The weekend, Thanskgiving, and other thoughts

Another weekend is on hand.  This year has gone to fast.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner and this year I am thankful that my wife is still alive.  You can bet I'll be having a real celebration this year! 

The weather here has been amazing lately.  Last week temps struggled to get above 40 degrees, this week they are in the high 50 's low 60 's, and for all of the predictions of a violent hurricane season I don't think we had one hit the USA coast this year.

My friend and co-worker is taking a business class.  The latest assignment is to come up with a new product or service.  Leave your thoughts here.  She did not like mine, a glutemas maximus maintenance technician.

Enough for today.  Everyone have a great weekend!

Reality TV and other stuff

So, is everyone recovered from the great reality programming binge on Tuesday!  You have to love election day coverage.  Fox and CNN start at daybreak and put on every talking head they can get their respective hands on to fill the time until the returns start to come in.  Then the Networks join in, now we have the same stuff on every channel!  Fianlly at some point returns start to come in, now the real fun begins, I swear if a baby poops at the polls its reported as an omen.  If I set the rules, Networks and News Channels would only be able to talk about the election for 10 minutes an hour till the pools close, and then 1 hour of coverage after all of the polls close nationwide.  After that report the results when they happen, but PLEASE don't stay on the air and keep babbling!  That's my take on election coverage.

Anyone watching Top Chef besides myself.  Maybe its the nature of these shows, but the 1st season of contestants always seems to be better the following seasons.  Anyone have an idea why?

Welcome to another Sunday!

Its Sunday aka Footballday!  The teams are warming up, my fantasy team has recovered from last weeks beating and all is well.

On my way to work this morning, a pleasant suprise, the temperature had warmed up a little. Winter Scene When I got to work today I did not have Ice snots hanging from my nose (:lol: just kidding, but its been real cold for early November in NE Indiana).  

Watching the train wreck that is called Saturday night TV,   it occurs to me,  that if I had a program that I wanted to get the numbers up on, I might put it in Saturday Prime Time.  The show would have no competition and it would be a real test to see if the show has any survival potential over and above the numbers that are causing concern in the first place.  I realize that this is a logical response to time slot placement, so I dont expect the networks to ever try it. :D

Brilliant but cancelled, and other stuff.

They say that you can bet on anything, well for those of you who want to take a flyer on the next show to be canceled you have to got to Brilliant but cancelled.  You get the opportunity to vote for the next show to bite the dust.  If you guess right, you are entered into a pool to win an IPOD. 

My fantasy football team was crushed last week.  Even though we put up decent numbers, the other team had one player who had a career day.  I was beaten 112-75 :cry:. Ok, I'm moving on. 

Does anyone know a fax number to Tahiti.  I want to fax myself there!

Have a great weekend.

Fall back tonight! DST ends don't forget.

Talk about a hot button issue,  day light saving time is a raw wound that is being scratched only one week before elections. 

For those of you not familiar with the history of Indiana, we change time zones and go on and off day light saving time like most people change their socks (once a year wether they need it or not! :lol: ).  We have been central, we have been eastern, we have had Dwall clockST, we have gotten rid of DST.  The state is split roughly 50/50 on the issue of DST. 

To make a long story short (actually impossible), When our new gov came into power, he bulled through the change to DST.  Lots of people (including myself) were very unhappy with the weak willed legislators who changed there minds on the 3rd vote!  Some of these wimps are already gone, now its time to dump the rest!!!

Last night Las Vegas came back.  I watched it in instead of Men in Trees.  I think I would have been happier in Alaska!  I thought the episode was all over the place and had more unanswered questions ie:who was the shooter, and who placed the tap and why? Why is mary so mad? Will Sam be coming back from Hawaii?  Is James Caan going to be an active part of the show this season?  Overall, I was disappointed.

Election time is here!

Its time for what is called the mid-season elections.  This being America, most of you will not be taking part in what is probably your most important obligation as a citizen, VOTING! 

We complain all the time about how we do not like the direction the country is going in, and yet we are willing to let a minority of its citizens, mostly the extreme right and extreme left control the course of the nation. 

Micheal Savage calls America a country of Sheep, unfortunetly he is right.  We, must take back our country from the extremes.  Please get out and vote on November 7th.  If you cannot get to the polls please call your election board and vote absentee.  It is not to late.

One last rant about this issue.  Do not be swayed by the politics of an issue.  Study it, determine your position and then support the candidate that most closely fits your position.  Rebulican or Democrat, are all the same, controlled by interest groups and the fringes.  We must change this is we want this nation to survive.

On to TV stuff.  Thank you NBC for moving 30 Rock, to 9:00pm Thursday (starting Nov 30).  This is a better timme slot then the conflicting 8:00pm Tuesday with Jericho.  I just wish they would make the change sooner rather then later. 

Talk about conflict!  Las Vegas comes back tonight, of course its against my new favorite Men in Trees.  Its always something!  :lol: