First of all I know that all of you will join me in congratulating NASA on a picture perfect mission and getting the building of the ISS back on track. I thought the night landing was wonderful and I know that all of you enjoyed the show this morning at 5:21 am CDT :D.
The new season is underway. Home makeover on Sunday was long but up to its usual standard. Monday was a different story. Did anyone else find The Class painful to watch? How I met your mother was ok if you like watching someone else suffer for 56 days, same with 2 1/2 men. At least 2 1/2 men had some laughs and to be honest some hot babes! The night was saved for me by Studio 60. I had already seen the pilot on DVD so no surprises, but it is just a well written show that I am looking forward to watching.
Tuesday was NCIS. It ok but they appear to have gotten away from what the show is about and are getting more and more into these episodes that deal with espionage instead of solving service related mysteries. Then of course there was Eureka! Almost a perfect show, nothing more needs to be said, read my reviews!
Wednesday I watched Jericho. For me, the jury is still out on this one. I really have to see where it goes in future episodes. Will it develop into a Mad Max / Soylent Green type show or will we see a different view of a post atomic war world?
Fort those with any passing interest my fantasy football team is 2-0!
Sorry for the long post I was not available early on in the week and I'm catching up!
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