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tiredoldguy Blog

No ordinary day, no siree!

For mere mortals today is just Sunday, a day of family, church, and rest.  For many of us it is so much more, its FOOTBALLDAY!

While there are many crazed fans out there cheering on their favorite teams, I am part of the elite (hyperbole) cadre of Fantasy Football Players.  We don't care which teams are winning or losing, all we care about is how are our guys performing!  Football

Now, I was money pinched this year so I  didn't purchase the every game you want to watch package from my satellite company, and that's probably a good thing.  Its hard trying to watch a dozen games at a time.  My wife loves football and I drive her crazy just trying to watch 2 games.

Everyone enjoy your family and the day, the cycle starts all over tomorrow!

Another bright sunny day, NOT!

Day two of the sun never rises, here in northeast Indiana :cry: Summer came on with a vengeance and when it decided to leave, it booked out of here faster then an express train!

I work weekends so I'm not real bummed about the bad weather, but I have a friend who loves golf and hates playing in the rain.

I hope all of you got a chance to see Men in Trees last night.  I was prepared to hate this show, but its turning out to be "a secret pleasure".  The writing is really sharp and the cast is great.  If you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor and check it out!

Now for some wonderful fall foliage!

PA country Lane

Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood!

Well, ok it raining on and off and its cool, gray, and dark. But on the upside, I did open my eyes this morning, and moved up a level!  For you old timers, moving up a level probably has all the excitement of watching paint dry :lol:.  For me, I just get excited seeing the new emblems.  Can anyone tell me what the door number 2 emblem is for.

Tonight is the first real episode of Men in Trees,  I'm looking forward to seeing if they can build on the pilot episode. 

Football day is coming.  My fantasy team is 2-0, and I'm poring over notes, predictions, injury reports, and news items to see who I should bench, who to make active, and who to sell my soul for!

Just another day in the neighborhood!

New Shows and stuff

First of all I know that all of you will join me in congratulating NASA on a picture perfect mission and getting the building of the ISS back on track. I thought the night landing was wonderful and I know that all of you enjoyed the show this morning at 5:21 am CDT :D.

The new season is underway.  Home makeover on Sunday was long but up to its usual standard.  Monday was a different story.  Did anyone else find The Class painful to watch?   How I met your mother was ok if you like watching someone else suffer for 56 days,  same with 2 1/2 men.  At least 2 1/2 men had some laughs and to be honest some hot babes!  The night was saved for me by Studio 60.  I had already seen the pilot on DVD so no surprises, but it is just a well written show that I am looking forward to watching.

Tuesday was NCIS.  It ok but they appear to have gotten away from what the show is about and are getting more and more into these episodes that deal with espionage instead of solving service related mysteries.  Then of course there was Eureka!  Almost a perfect show, nothing more needs to be said, read my reviews!

Wednesday I watched Jericho.  For me, the jury is still out on this one.  I really have to see where it goes in future episodes.  Will it develop into a Mad Max / Soylent Green type show or will we see a different view of a post atomic war world? 

Fort those with any passing interest my fantasy football team is 2-0! 

Sorry for the long post I was not available early on in the week and I'm catching up!

What a beautiful day!

The sun is out, the air is cool, it is a glorious fall day.  Its football day, my fantasy team has one win in the bag,  life is good!

The new fall season really starts to roll this week.  Home Makeover tonight, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on Monday, NCIS on Tuesday and the week just goes on and on...

My wife and I were lamenting last night about the good old days when the networks competed to be the first to bring out new shows, not the first to drop them!

First "Network" new show

Last night I got to see my first "network" new season show.  on CBS Men in Trees.  Let me start out by saying that I was prepared, and fully expected to not like this show.   Boy, was I suprised and pleased.

I think CBS did a good thing by re-showing the pilot at 8:00pm then a new episode in its regular timeslot 9:00pm. 

I thought that this show was going to just be a clone of Northern Exposure, NYC Dr in this case Career woman, ends up in the wilds of Alaska.  The wilds of Alaska part is correct, the rest of the show stands on its own.

Catch it if you can, I think you will enjoy it.  Fridays 9:00pm on CBS.  I'll watch till the new season of Monk starts in January, then I'll have to make a choice!

Bad Viewing night last night!

Please, Please, Please let the new season begin!  I knew the night was going to be bad when I found myself watching The History of the Shovel on the History Channel and I was looking forward to The History of the Drill coming up next.

I have an Uber TV with a Zillion Channels.  When I am reduced to watching shows like these I just want to go to bed for a week (ok, a little hyperbole). 

What ever happened to the Networks trying to beat the competition to the season roll out?  If they delayed some of the shows much longer, they will be displaced by Christmas specials before they air!

Just for fun!

If you have some time from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm check out Cash Cab  on the Discovery Channel. 

This show is wild.  Its Trivial Pursuit meets a NYC Cab Driver.  This show gives you the opportunity to feel smart and the thrill of watching some poor rider get kicked out the cab in the pouring rain!

Its a fun show to watch and I highly recommend it to everyone.

The Shuttle Flys again!

Atlantis finally got off the ground, and I'm beat.  Watching Eva's at 5:15 am before work is tiring,  Thanks to NASA for streaming their TV so I watch the walks unfold during the work day. 

For those that are interested, this flight marks a return to construction on the ISS which is way to to watch.  Its amazing to see two people in white sits moving a two ton truss with there finger tips! ( yes I am a space/science geek:oops:).

On the regular tv note, Eureka just keeps rolling along.  If you have not watched this show you must!  It is campy and way cool. Great humor, does not take itself seriously and is just good watching.

MonDAY, TuesDAY, WednesDAY, ThursDAY, FriDAY, SaturDAY, FOOTBALL DAY!!

I guess I'm one lucky guy.  My wife of 30+ years  :cry: is a fanatic when it comes to football.  No problem in this house sitting in front of the tube on Sunday.  Watching the game or games is a given!

The only real problem is that I enjoy fantasy football and I'm more concerned about individual player performance where as my wife is a fanatic about the Giants (her roots) and the Colts (adopted home). She doesn't get it when I want to switch to every game on the air, cable, or computer!

Tonight I get to sit and watch her try to root for both teams at the same time.  That should be a hoot! :lol:

Grab your snacks, drinks, and remotes, and call me tommorrow, I done for today!