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A tough day in TV land!

WOW!  If every Friday was like last night my remote would explode! 

The all day Monk Marathon on USA and the start of the 40th anniversary StarTrek showings on TVLand had my remote control on fire.

Its days like this that justify ANY expense for a DVR. :D  This old Hound dog  was in doggey heaven!  A new favorite and an old favorite together in all of their glory!

The Tween Time

The  tween time.  This is what we are in now in the land of TV viewing.  The summer season has ended; the fall season is just getting underway.  The benefit from this changeover is that on days like yesterday, I got to see all of the Eureka series (sans pilot)  from episode one to the current episode in one day!   

I love Eureka so it was a glorious day in TV land.  I believe that these days are necessary because frankly, there was absolutely nothing worth seeing within the rest of my TV universe.   

I am getting antsy for the new fall season, and I have planned my viewing strategy to encompass most of the well reviewed new shows and some that were not well reviewed out of curiosity.   

Stayed tuned for developments, reviews, tears, laughter, cries of anguish, sighs of relief, as I venture into the rollercoaster world of the fall season.

Summer season winding down

The summer season is coming to a close.  Hell's Kitchen 2 is over, Kyle XY is almost done, soon to follow are Psych and Monk.  

It was not a bad season as they go.  At least there were some shows worth watching. 

As the new fall season ramps up, I have seen the pilot for Studio 60 and KidnappedStudio 60 looks good and I am looking forward to its startup.  The Kidnapped pilot was ok, and with the lack of good fall shows I will probably watch this one.


Eureka, I have found it!

In my last post I talked about how the summer season was starting to rock and roll, I was right.

With the addition of Eureka on Sci-Fi Channel,  this is turning out to be a wonderful summer.   It would be super if the  Networks could only do so well in the fall!

Monk, Psych, Eureka, Hell's Kitchen, Kyle XY, are just leading the way on this charge for one of the best summer viewing seasons ever.

Summer season starting to Rock and Roll

Monk is back, and when USA says characters welcome they are not kidding.  What a super opening to season 5.  Psych, their new detective show has  premired, it seems ok, but the verdict is still out on it.   The 4000 is perking along. Kyle XY is showing some promise, and the Food Network is getting set to give us an all new prime time lineup.  Life is good in the summer time!

The NASA channel

Does anyone else beside me tune in for launches, Walks, updates?

Watching this channel can be fascinating, and it can also be as boring as watching paint dry.

NASA really needs to do a better job with this channel.  Its an excellent tool for them to reach the public, however when the public tunes in they need to see something more then the backs of operations peoples heads.

When we look into operations, other then 'CapCom' we have no idea what we are seeing.  Also, there needs to be a running commentary about what is going on.  Long stretches of no sound and the back of peoples heads just don't do anything. 

I hope that NASA gets the message someday, gives a little play-by-play and really makes this a destination channel.

Facinating stuff when you least expect it!

Who would ever believe a show called Cash Cab on the Discovery Channel would be worth watching.  I stumbled across this show one evening while channel surfing and I have been hooked ever since. 

A disco floor on the ceiling, shout outs, questions and money, its a winning combo.  The contest lasts the length of the cab ride, as long as you don't strike out (miss three questions), at which point you are dumped from the cab.

When you reach the final destination, you get a chance to double your money.  This is just a really fun show to watch!

If you are like me and pretty well set in your viewing rituals, it is good to sometimes just get off the "highway" (Doc Hollywood) and get back to channel surfing.

Summer Season Looking up!

Well the summer season is rolling out and starting to look good.  Kyle XY has potential, Hell's Kitchen is roaring along, Monk starts soon and Psych looks interesting.  The  4400 is moving into some interesting stuff, the Dead Zone is back and there are some interesting specials and made for TV events and movies coming up. 

The telling issue is that most if not all of this stuff is happening on 'cable' channels.  The networks are just coasting till the fall releases. 

I just find myself more an more invested in none network channels.  This week I think my network prime time viewing totaled maybe 3 hours.  Now, I am sure that this might pick up in the fall because I have seen abd read previews for a few shows that i want to check out. 

However, in my opinion, the networks are no longer the innovators and trend setters but followers and providers of fill material.  How sad!

TV's dog days!

Ah, the dog days of TV.  Spring sweeps over, summer season not really started, fall season hype just starting, what’s a person to watch? 

 Good Question, fortunately thanks to the ‘cable’ stations, shows like the 4400 are back now.  There is also a new crop of ‘reality’ on the networks; most unique is Hell’s Kitchen.  I love watching Ramsay take regular human beings and make them quiver like jello as he folds, spindles and mutilates them for our entertainment!

Well, this is just a short note. Trying to fill time between seasons and new shows! 

Television originality part 2

Over this weekend my "cable" provider was having a service preview.  The everything and the kitchen sink premium package was opened up so I could decide if I want to part with more of my hard earned dollars.

One would think that if you want to impress people, you show them something impressive!

Last night (a Saturday), I scrolled through the channel guide trying to find a movie I had not scene, a show that was interesting, anything new, or ultimately anything that would case me to watch TV and not read a book..

Read about 40 pages in the book! :(