Nabbed a Pro yesterday and wow, I'm shocked how good Horizon Zero Dawn looks with the checkerboard rendering. Being mostly a PC gamer these days and having played some games in native 4K, HZD comes so close to native 4K and looks so good to begin with you'd swear there's no way this is a console game. Incredible.
@louixiii: I know I COULD buy a Wii-U and play it, but that console is dead and not worth the money at this point. It's better for me to just get a Switch instead, no sense in buying a dead console to play one game.
If I see one on the shelf I very well might impulse buy it, but something tells me a great and many others have their ears perked up enough to catch those things as they come in lol, so it might be a minute before I snag one.
@xhawk27: Sounds like a steady steam of exclusives titles are headed the PS4s way, while the XB1 cancels games and will likely delay others, like Crackdown 3 for example.
Crazy how Scorpio is releasing with no worthwhile games releasing around that time, bummer.
@eva02langley: I'll pass. My intel/NVidia combo is doing quite well actually, and I can run quite a few games at 4K/60fps with just a regular GTX 1080 and my i5-4690K, and no bottleneck to speak of.
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