Greetings Gamespot and welcome to my not-so-updated-blog.
I've been keeping busy over the past couple of months but I am here to make an update on what I've been playing since I last updated my blog. Let's start with Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. I got the game a few weeks ago and i've already clocked in about 60 hours with no signs of it ending anytime soon. Yep, it is a very long game but I have some good news: Persona 3 is probably the best RPG to come out of Japan in a long time or certainly the most unique Japanese RPG title I've every played. The story revolves around you being a high school student in modern Japan and you have this special power called Personas, which basically are summons that you evoke by shooting yourself in the head. How awesome is that? Even after 60 hours, it never gets old. The battle system is fast paced, the story is superb, the voice acting is solid, the graphics have a nice style to it and the music is excellent. Long story short, best RPG of the year so far........but we still have Mass Effect to consider. As you can see, my profile has a nice Persona 3 theme to it, my g/f made it for me (Thanks babe! :)).
Originally I was going to skip this Xbox 360 title but after all the rave reviews and the fact that just about EVERYONE who owns an Xbox 360 bought the damn game, I just had to play it to see what the fuss was all about. That game is BioShock. Simply amazing, I can't even begin to explain how excellently crafted this game is: the graphics, music, level design, sound and story all blend together to make this terrific gaming masterpiece. So games aren't art huh? Someone should shove BioShock up Roger Eberts you know what because if that ain't art, I don't know what is. Don't rent, just buy it. Major contender for game of the year.
I bought the Halo Triple Pack around two weeks ago. I never owned the original Xbox and with Halo 3 just around the corner,it was finally time to get those two games and beat them. I've only managed to finish the first one but sometime before September 25th, Halo 2 shall be beaten. I'll be pre-ordering the special edition of Halo 3 this weekend because I get payed on Friday! Rally-ho!!
I purchased 1600 microsoft points and bought Puzzle Fighter HD and Streets of Rage 2. I'm not a big fan of puzzle games but Puzzle Fighter is awesome!! A very addicting and well made puzzle game. The online is pretty cool too, although a bit slower than offline. My current score is 3 wins and 3 losses so far and I don't think that's so bad. I never got to play Streets of Rage 2 back in the Genesis days because I never owned one but as the saying goes "better late than never" . The game is awesome, definitely one of the best beat em up games I've ever played and probably the best 400 points game on XBLA. The online vs mode is a bit of a joke but still fun.
Yesterday I got Metroid Prime 3: Corruption in the mail. I ordered it on the day of release, August 27th, and received it yesterday. Apparently Amazon was back ordered during the time of the release date. Ahh well I forgive you Amazon. Anyways, the game is great so far, sure the graphics are only a little bit better than its gamecube predecessors but it still looks really good. The level design is amazing, you really feel like you're in a unknown planet all by yourself. Metroid finally gets voice acting (about damn time Nintendo) and it works really well even though Samus still doesn't talk......for now. The Wii controls have been excellent so far, it takes a little getting used to but once you do, shooting down enemies is a breeze. Speaking of difficulty, the game has been relaltively easy so far. I'm a little disappointed about that since Metroid Prime 2: Echoeshad some pretty tough enemies, especially the boss fights. Yes, it is also a little bit disappointing that the game doesn't have any multiplayer. With such great controls, an online support would've been truly welcomed into the rather thin online Wii games lineup. Great game, hope to play some more of it.
Corruption is supposed to be the last of the Metroid Prime games.....I wonder what's going to happen to the Metroid franchise? And what kind of games will Retro Studios develop outside of Metroid? Only time will tell...
As you can see, I'm playing all three of my consoles, which I think is pretty cool. But I do want to get back on my Xbox 360 a whole lot more, I miss the crew and the points :p.
Well that's it for me!! Later Gamespot!
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