Tlgersuperman's forum posts
Regardless if MS is involved or it was all MH, this will hurt them a bit. However, it's not big enough to hit other serious news outlets because there is still not enough info to jump on. Considering MS being calm this whole time it seems that they are not worried.
Tons of sites jumping ahead of time to blame MS for what MA did. Even with this MS will still get the bigger chunk of the hate pie.
Did you read what you typed before your finger hit the post button ??
Is there a problem somewhere you would like to address?
While people are wondering why some 720P games look better than 1080p games, or why a lot of Wii u games at 1080p look to be 720p (or so they claim) or why most 720 and 1080p phone games on your tablets or TV look like ass, realize resolution does not matter alone.
If i took Battlefield 5 and made it with the Doom 2 engine and put it on a console with a AMD super charger fusion module it's going to look like shit.
Resolution arguments between consoles and PC's and Wii U power arguments make no sense using simple logic. If a consoles is factually capable for 1080p or you have a monitor capable of 2060p or even 4K, that is up to the engine to show for it not resolution alone. Saying my Doom 2 engine BF5 looking better than say Crysis 2 would be a humiliation.
Say for example, I took Haze and made the same game with the same engine in 4k. Still going to look like shit. But if I take Crysis 2 in 1080p and have the dynamic lighting and higher texture engine along with being able to generate cleaner polygons which is going to look better, The 4K game? Bullshit.
Whether you consider no games on the Wii U to show it's power, or if you are wondering why XO and PS4 games don't look like they are very if at all, different from each other, or a PC gamer making a stupid argument for Darkest of days because it's in 4K on your PC and claim it looks better than Uncharted, Realize you have no idea what you are talking about.
It's all in the Engine, and I think most will agree with me that saying X looks better because it has more P on your cereal does not mean the game looks better.
One can put enough asterisks next to a sales figure and make any conclusion they want if they try hard enough.
So you didn't feel like trying then? That's what I'm gathering.
Love your sig, though, GOTY for me.
Trying what? Android/other smartphone brands dwarf apple in market share, your argument is "so what". You say they're not all flagship models like that's a bad thing. Apple's lack of a diversified product line is a liability.
Why is it a liability? What empirical evidence can you share to support the idea that Apple's current lineup is a liability? The evidence I have seen, that has been evaluated, is exactly the opposite. And to see Apple sell so many devices, all of which can be considered flagship devices, is incredibly impressive when Samsung sells primarily android feature phones.
Iphone 5c is a flagship device now?
@Pariah-: lol ok 1 more brief reply (and then seriously done replying to you). Yes, the idea of preventing certain mergers is indeed to benefit other companies and promote competitiveness (and therefore help the consumer), that's the point of preventing a monopoly. (ie non-government created monopolies which you asked about remember? Not about who it would benefit) *facepalm*
I sent you PM blue hazy
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