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tmaclabi Blog

Got a Fever...

I just got healed from a very high fever. I got it last friday night and got healed this Saturday. So sad... it occured again this Saturday night. I got a big fear that this might be the disease that killed lots of innocent people because of infected pigs called the AH1N1. I dunno if this fever will re-occur again and if that happens, i will have a big fear... By the way, i still dont have that much time to comment on your blogs so my apologies again guys, School days is really busy and i might be able to do comments during vacations or school breaks. Thanks for reading guys, love ya :D

Been Busy These days...

Just wanted to apologize to all of my Unions which i haven't been active lately. Also, i wanted to apologize to you guys for not commenting in you blogs. I have been busy these days cause schooling is really taking most of my time. Classes have started and i have been really busy. That's one reason why i can't log in and comment in your blogs. Anyways, school is fun and i also have fun wearing the new uniform for our course :) That's all guys, if i have free time, i'll make sure i'll go check your blogs and post comments there and to my Unions too :D Thanks for reading!!!

Not enough sleep with E3.

How are you guys? I haven't posted in the Unions for a while, reason is, i am so tired watching all the Confernces and all the E3 live events. I am like a like a cat. I sleep at daytime, stay awake during the nightime until early in the morning. I dont have enough sleep, my eyes feel really tired. I do this because of E3, and i dont blame them for whats happening to me, i like what im doing, i just feel tired. This Day is the last of the E3 events, after this, my life will at finally return back to normal :) I got 4 emblems so far: Three Conference emblem for Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. And Day 1 emblem. for those of you who haven't got their emblems, don't worry, you will still get it eventually, Vince said that (The one who hands out emblems) Even those who just past by during the Conferences and watched just 15 mins. got their emblem, if you still doesn't have one and you are worrying, worry no more, it will come, believe me :)

By the way, A new Union is going, the E3 Discussion Union lead by the great postmaster fastestruck who also lead the Emblems Union before. i have sent invitation to some of my friends already. If you are interested in discussing topics related about e3, Join us, we will gladly appreciate it :D

Haven't blogged in a few weeks....

Hey guys, you may have noticed that i am not blogging anymore but i do still comment at your blogs :lol: Anyway, i just finished a new anime yesterday, it was called Special A. Maybe some of you have already watched this and i think it's good. It's a comedy anime with a touch of romance.


Here's a pic.

E3 is coming up, i wanna ask a question to all of you guys. Is there any of you who will have school days during the E3? And if yes, will you skip school days just to watch it? I am lucky i don't have schol days during E3 this year. And if i have, if you'll ask me, i might skip my school days just to watch E3.

Calling those with Artistic Talents!!!

For all of you who has Artistic Talents out there, The Emblems Union needs a new emblem for the member spotlight. So if you want to participate and share your skills, go in this link and read the instructions.


This is the Submission Thread Link:

Emblem Submissions

I've also submitted a few entries there so if you something nice out there in your mind, share it :)

Deadline is on May 6...

Early Blog (Happy Birthday To ME Tomorrow! :)

Tomorrow is my 19th Birthday, just want to make this early blog so i wouldn't need to create tomorrow. There is nothing much new in my life, still no girlfriend at the age of 19. Hehe, i think God is preparing me for the best girl he is planning for my life. Ummm, I don't expect gifts for my birthday. Im used to the fact that in the Month of May, we dont have that much money so i think greetings from my friends will be sufficient already. I just can't believe i am gaining a year again and i am turning old again :( Oh my, i wish, this time, i will finally be able to mature more as i gain age hehe :) How i love birthdays when i was younger but i dont hink i still like them now :lol: Oh my, i am leaving the Teenage days next year :cry: So that's it, thanks for reading and God Bless you all :)

Vote Here Guys please!!!

As most of you know, Gamespot is nominated as one of the best Game Sites in the Webby Awards. They will give emblems to those who will vote if ever they will win. I hope they win, this is the best Game Site ever and you guys knew it so vote in the link below and show Gamespot our support!!!

You need to create an account first before you can vote, Gamespot is under the Web category and then go to Entertainment and then choose Games-Related then vote!

Webby Awards

This is just not for the emblem but also for the dignity of our beloved Site :)

Problems with Gaming

Stories can be bland and the game still get rave ratings, this is a trend that can't keep up with the growing numbers of gaming fans. As more sophisticated players get bored with current trends they and more then likely all gamers are going to expect more from the writers, developers, and publishers. Yes its true there are games with great stories, great gameplay, and great usability, but it is not the norm and it should be. In this series of articles I will address the problems we face as an industry and some ideas to help us coup with these problems. This first story will focus on story/plot lines in games, what we are doing right and what needs to improve.


As an industry we have some of the brightest and most creative minds, yet we are not using this wonderful asset to its full potential. In the past we had the excuse of technology holding us back, but now we have unlimited potential of what we can do with our games. So if technology isn't holding us back what is? Well one thing that holds innovation back is the consumer, most of the "new" technologies have been around in one form or another for more than fifteen years, people are now excepting and embracing technology, so the consumer not being ready is no longer a valid excuse either. I think what is holding us back technologically and artistically is the natural human fear of change, of rejection.

I think it is time we set aside these fears aside and really reach our full potential. As an industry we gamers are now in the forefront, we are a true powerhouse and it's a shame, no a disgrace that we are not using this power we have and living up to this potential we have. Before I go further this is not a clean up your games, or get in line and join the masses, no I truly believe in freedom, creatively, artistically, I hate censoring, but that's for another article, no these articles are about using these new found technologies to really reach a new creative plateau.Now yes I understand in some regions technology is still a few years behind (decades in some cases), that's fine scales things down to work in those select areas (yes I know the majority of the world), but don't do this scaling for the majority of your multibillion dollar industry. If you have to develop completely different games for different regions, the consumer will only thank you for thinking ahead and developing for your different markets.

Part one: the Story Game huge issue facing the industry right now is the story of the games. Yes games are in a fantasy world, many different ones in fact, but most stories have big holes in them, plots don't always make sense. Why is this a problem in a fantasy world? Well users aren't the 5-20 year old unsophisticated males of yesteryear, but a wide range of intelligent people of all ages and backgrounds. Games as a whole still don't reflect that, and to a degree that is well and good, but as I am sure most of you agree we really need to start developing games for a wider range of people.

This is a large problem that comes in many forms and has just as many solutions, but I think it is something with work from everyone in the industry we can tackle. One thing that I think that needs to happen is better quality control at every level of development and production. Time and time again the writers do a wonderful job, the development team does a great job of executing the writers dreams, and then in editing big chucks of game get "cut" out and no one reworks the story or someone reworks it but it doesn't really work, things like this should be caught in quality control, and yes I understand there are budget and other restraints. To me though that's no excuse, I have just seen to many great games become mediocre.

The Problem: Weak Nonsensical Stores

Alas there is a larger problem that needs to be tackled, games that start off, well to but it nicely flimsy. These stories come in many shapes and sizes, the most common ones would be the world (be it earth, mars, or any other planet/civilization) is under attack, or save the girl. Nothing wrong with these ideas but in the current form they are played out, tired if you will. It does not have to be this way, never had to be but now there is truly no excuse for this. Want examples? Well to bad, this article is being written in the understanding you have well picked up a controller/keyboard and played a game. If that's not the case I highly recommend you go pick up a copy of Pray from the story and give it a try. You will see the whole reason why I am making this article, what could have been a wonderfully great game, well leaves much to be desired.

Editors Note: That being said this article is in no way directed to any one developer/publisher but to everyone in the gaming industry. There is no arrogance within that statement it's just a fact.

To recap, the problem is weak sometimes nonsensical story lines, the solution on the other hand isn't as simple. There really is no one answer to this dilemma we face. There are hundreds of things that could be done to help fix this situation, but the real solution starts with developers admitting they have a problem and that they are willing to work on it. This will be the signal biggest step in the right direction.

The Solution: No one way out
Like I said before there is no one magical fix all, there also is no wrong answer. How can this be true? An old saying comes to mind "Any change is a change for the better." This single statement could not be more true, but to what end, well I would hope better games and happy developers, publishers, and consumers. But sadly it's not that simple, and it won't happen overnight.

One of the biggest problems I see time and time again in my consulting work is workflow mismanagement. That's not to say it's being done wrong, but it's not being done in a way that makes the most logical and economical sense. But how does this affect the end product? Well any delay will leave less time for the polish every product deserves, and with the over head in gaming it is critical to meet deadlines and to meet the profit goals/requirements of the publisher. As consumers most of us don't care if developers meet deadlines as long as we get the products we want, but there is a bigger picture then that and deep down we all know that.

How do we fix this? For one more developers need to realize early on in a project it pays to either have on staff or better yet in most cases to contract out someone to keep the workflow not only running smoothly but to optimize the processes to make it easier to get coders/artists/writers/voice actors/whoever working together and staying on the same creative track. The better this system runs the less time you have people on the job and as developers you make more by getting to move on to the next project.

Another part of this workflow process is quality control, when the system isn't working at 100% this can sometimes slip through the cracks in the development cycle. Also though it adds cost it's a good idea to get outsiders to help in the quality control department since that will be there sole job and they have no larger vested interest in the project it can help find flows people looking at it 16 hours a day might miss. I understand some of you have these types of process in place, but its never a bad idea to revisit your policies and make sure everything is running as efficiently as it should/could be.

Workflow management is not the end all solve all but getting that down will help a great deal. Communication as I mentioned is a big part of the processes and it does not stop at Workflow management, key problems arise in any project if the day to day communication is now in a good set pattern. All too often writers, story board artists, and other parts of the development that is key in the early stages of a project, get taken out of the loop way to early in the processes. Doing this leads to holes in stories or even the loss of the meaning to the game, because some manager doesn't want to keep someone on the pay role to long. No it's not always that bad, but the people that are key to the true artistic meaning of the game should be left on the pay role so they can consult and help if changes need to be made.

Other things like the simple lake of lower level people telling their bosses, hey we have a problem. Yeah it sucks when the boss gets mad at you, but believe it or not he will get over it and will fix the problem that's their job, let them do it. If the product comes out better for it guess what you might have a better role in your company the next project. Attention to detail is another very important thing, it can be a timely processes but, that one element of quality management should be a day to day part of every project.

Now I could go on for days about the different solutions that need to happen, but the problem is ever project has a different one, heck sometimes you need to fire your writers and just start over, sad fact but it's true. It can be fun to guess new fades and try to develop games for them and there is a place for that. Because let's face it we all fall prey to one fad or another, but not every game has to be made this way and they aren't but there are way too many fad based games on the market.

Closing Arguments:

This article is not about getting rid of the mindless shooters, the mindless open ended games like Grand Theft Auto, because I love these games as much as the next person. They have a place and a time, but sometimes it would be nice to see a Mystery game that's not a point in click game based off the Myth Engine of close to 20 years ago. It would also be nice to see a fictional war game not somewhat based off World War II, World War I or some other major war. It would be nice to see a real time strategy game that's not a clone of Age of Empires or its close cousin Rise of Nations.

Developers get out of the office look at this wonderful world see the new wonderful technologies and go get creative like we all know you can. If you have to make games for different regions, or if you release over many regions, polish the game up when needed ton it down for others. Revisit any policies you have in place, work on them, fix them where they need to be and make sure they are followed throughout the project. Don't get made at consumers if they don't like your products we are fickle and hard to please that's part of the processes. Most of all have fun, when you're having fun you release games like GTA, WOW, WC2, SC, AOE, ROS, and the many other gems well worth mentioning here.

Consumers, get picky, let publishers know when quality control might have slipped, nothing is perfect but sometimes things are easy to tell something slipped through the cracks. Also let the publisher developer know when they do a good job, it's nice to hear from time to time. Most of all have fun with your games, that's what they are all there for. Don't expect a handheld game to be the same as the console version that would be silly to expect, and don't always believe the hype. So go be realistically picky and most of all keep that passion for gaming going.

What's the Real Value of These Cards?

Last night, my little brother was playing, when he was about to load a saved game guess what??? All of our saved games have been lost and i am really disappointed of what have happened. I tell to myself, whats the purpose of these memory cards? I know, it is to save your games and store them. But, last night, a big disaster happened. All the games i've worked hard for to finish and most of them are 100% complete just went out like a bubble that disappared into my sight. I tell to myself, will i still play games? hehe, after all that happened, i feel like losing the interest to play games, and for me, a seved file is very important, that shows how much you've worked hard and how many great stored games you have there. I also feel that everything i've done went out nothing, yeah, really nothing...

It really pisses me off that no matter how much time you've spent time to a game or no matter you've worked hard for it, its just nothing at all. I guess in this world, this one moment of my life shows that nothing lasts forever in this world and we keep playing games for fun and that fun that we had over the past few years will be gone instantly when these cards failed and lose their functions. Its like losing something that is very important to you. More than losing a piece of jewelry or and expensive cellphone but its more than these things. I guess the thing that really annoys me is that the time i've spent to work hard and play these games for about months and months and years. How bout you guys? what is gaming for you? What makes it so important to you? Do we value gaming just because it gives us fun whenever we accomplish something and it gives us lots of fun once we have unlocked something for a prize? Well that bores me if you will say you play "just for Fun" and games are just a simple hobby of yours.

If you are really a gamer, the way you value games are different. Games are not just for fun but its also um... how will i say this... For me, Games are also a part of my life, ever since i was a kid, i really value games more than my brothers. For me, losing a single game data is like losing a pet dog that you have been living with since birth. Hehe, i may sound like i am exagerratting things a little bit and may sound corny at all but the essence of these games are really important to me that as a teenager, i know how to value things in life the way you need to value them. So why am i saying these things to you? Does it really matter if i lost my saved games? No, i think its not that important...Not important if you dont take things seriously but i think anyone who values games not because it gives them fun will say "Oh my, i lost one of my pets."

I know i am a little old fashioned to say that i still play PS2 games and that losing data is not that important...

But LOSING TIME is IMPORTANT. I just can't believe that as we age, games also gains their days and they also die like us. The memory we store, no matter how much quality is it, in time, it will be lost and there is a need for you to replace your Legendary Card to the Trash Can. My question is, why do these cards lose their functions over time and all of your saved data will be erased? Is it another tactic for us to buy another one? Maybe. If that didn't happen i should have been starting to save money again to buy a PS3 or another console but what happened, i think i've changed my mind. I've decided to stop playing games and stop giving them the value that they don't deserve. I've realized that even if i spend a lifetime playing games until my hair grew white. Nothing will happen, eventually, these cards will lose their data and they might kill you for a lifetime regretting how much time you've spent playing games that it will be better if you have spent your time doing anything else. Time is precious, Time is Gold, and Time is something we cannot bring back. I also realized that we should think a hundred times. No. i think that wouldn't be enough, how bout a million times? If the thing we have been spending or investing time for is really worth. I am not here to introduce to you how much pain i've felt for doing things that i've regret. I am also not here to encourage anyone of you not to play games anymore. But i am here to tell that we should carefully select what games will we play or what will we finish that will worth our time.

Good thing is whenever i look at a gaming console, it reminds me that i've aged through games that i think im already done with it and i need to look for something that's worth investing for. I have a hundred of games here to show but not as many as those days i've spent here. I am very thankful that i've found this site and that i've gain friends here, post counts here and the things most GS users have been addicted for, which is the Emblems. In my opinion, the things i've been spending here are the things that will lasts. No matter how many days i left this site, i know that when i came back, all my saved data here like game collections, posts counts, friends, blogs of my life, images and the precious emblem most of us have been working hard for will lasts. I have regrets in my life but i do not regret that i've joined here and even if i lost datas on my memory card, there is still a place like here in which i all the things i've done here and all of my datas will not be erased.