I see Nintendo likes to play games with their best IPs, pushing subscriptions over direct purchases of most of their classic games. They better get onboard with what the customers want or Steam-deck will become they're permanent bane, almost every game owned by Nintendo can be emulated now, I'm not pushing it but I understand it and stand by it.
@ghostspartan: You know it's not only online folks from the USA (millions?) that has gripes with some of these studios questionable artistic developments as of late right? These studios sell they're "artistic vision" on the global market and when other customers internationally start speaking the same language as those on domestic soil that usually means a problem exist with the "art" and not the consumer, Eternals was a prime example of this.
@guudgidga: Some of what you stated is comparative to what I stated in another comment within this comment section, now either your a troll of sorts or you just don't read, it's either one or the other at this point.
@guudgidga: I'm going to debunk that BS statement right now! Millions upon millions of people INVEST money into films, that how the studios remain afloat financially, it wasn't for the FANs there would be no STUDIOS, and fans can be defined as people as stated that pay for a product. I don't work for the studios, I don't owe them s***, either they support what the people want or lose revenue as they have been. Don't turn around and burn the roots that helped you grow.
@stickemup: Fans regardless of what tier they fall under invest time, money and interest in these characters a studio builds up, inferring to they're emotions as toxic or in any way negative will never bold well for the one making that claim.
James Gunn has directed nothing of any real substance in his entire career life, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 (butt farts) weren't anything spectacular.
DC along with Marvel are dead brands to me now, especially after this news along with the god awful Black panther 2 movie where they profited heavily off of a dead man's character.
DC executives got greedy and thought only of competition with Marvel's Avenger movies for profits without giving each Justice League hero a proper introductory movie, this led to smashing and mashing so much into the Zack Synder films, extending the movie to longer than needed lengths, but Zack tried even weighed under such pressure from executive garbage suits to satisfy both the fans and they're wants.
People need not express anger through verbal or written post, they need to speak with their dollar and how it is spent. Force studios to remember whom made them big, demand better and use your dollar as the ultimatum.
Henry Cavil, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher along with Ben Afleck were and always will be my favorite DC Justice League cast characters, I wish them all the best.
tmthywtsn's comments