These next gen systems are designed to tell us consumers to go screw ourselves, if your still a dedicated fanboy after reading articles that suggest the lack of used game support and required internet connection then much sorrow for you. This industry is definitely in a state of peril and they'll not drive my wallet down into their financial abyss with them.
What a ridiculous simple minded article, forget the whole console/ winner pc comparison wars and petition for some worthy games. F this article's promotion of console fanboyisim a thousand times over.
WOW this is news, I personally haven't played a really good hard ass Lucas Arts game since Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi on the Snes. All three are blood pressure raisers, recommend playing each game with moderation.
@ziproy @ADDADAC @eric_neo3 Man that's too grim, I just got a new gaming pc with a ps3, don't make me feel like I should return it now. Let me be blind n deaf just a little longer lol
@Cloud_imperium No one wants to rise to the next level in game development anymore, it requires too much effort to be creative... understandably so when you consider Nintendo's predicament. It's better to continuously milk and re-milk the same game series over an over again, just slap on a shiny new box cover with a different game title logo an all consumers will go wild.
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