@istuffedsunny @Martyr77 Your comment takes crown ignorance of the day, a FF7 remake is the most wanted RPG in the Final Fantasy universe... some believe it could end all wars on this Earth :D.
The sun had risen and set on this title a long time ago, Tidus's new face screenshot confirms this. Square Enix must be getting hard up for money to actually begin remastering this series :D. When they go broke from the countless FF13 sequels and Prequel remakes they may turn to their last potential source of revenue which is FF7...don't count on it though.
The endings of Mass Effect 3 and GOW 3 were the most anti-climatic endings I had ever seen for two of the most highly anticipated gaming series ever. I would like to know what happened?
@cireking213 @tmthywtsn Yeah, when I look at the original he has the appearance of someone seeking adventure an trill... idk I won't judge anything, just hope they didn't or don't change too much of the original formula which made this game great.
tmthywtsn's comments