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tntkng Blog

My TV Broke

Well gamers my tv just broke, but thats not even the bad news. The bad news is that it may not be repaired until the end of November. Meaning I could have to wait a while to play Modern Warfare 2:cry:. Now I just hope my 360 doesn't break before I get the tv fixed.

Game of The Year?

What game will win GOTY? I think it will be split among Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2. I think that Modern Warfare 2 will win, but thats me and I do not own a PS3 so I'm missing out on Uncharted 2:(. I would be surprised to hear anybody say that a game besides these two will win, but I want to hear everyone's opinion. So everyone comment on your GOTY pick.

Splinter Cell still a stealth game??

Hey gamers, I just saw the new video for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction a few minutes ago and it had me thinking is Splinter Cell still a stealth game? It looks more like a action game with stealth elements now. I have been keeping my eye on this game for a while now and it has evolved quite a bit from what it originally was going to be. Me personally like the faster pace and the bigger emphasis on running and gunning, but this franchise was always a hardcore stealth franchise. Will we lose one of the greatest and best known hardcore stealth franchiseswith Ubisoft's new approach with the gameplay? Let me know what you think.

Modern Warfare 2

Have you preordered Modern Warfare 2 yet? What edition did you preorder? I preordered the Standard Edition, but I'm going to upgrade to the Hardened Edtion.:D Has anyone seen the veteran statue bundle? Its pretty cool, anyway Let me know which one you got.:)

Will Modern Warfare 2 live up to the hype set by MDW1?

A lot of people think that is impossible to build a better FPS than Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. MDW1 is incredibly deep with its multiplayer and the single player had an amazing story and the best graphics evar. So my question to all of you is evenwith all of Modern Warfare 2's new features will it be as good of a game or even better than MDW1. In my opinionModern Warfare 2 will be better than MDW1 and will probably be the only 10 gamespot gives out this year. I though that MDW1 deserved a 10and thats thescore I gave it in my review. There is no doubt in my mind that MDW2 will be an incredible game, but will it live up to the hype set by Call of Duty 4Modern Warfare?

Should I get a PS3??

Ok so I haven't bought a PS3 yet. Now Uncharted 2 and Demons Souls are out. I also want to play Killzone 2, Ratchet and Clank Future:A Crack In Time, and Resistance 1&2. My question to everybody is: Is a Playstation 3 worth my $299.99 plus the games? I already have a 360 and a Wii, but I hardly play the Wii. Should I wait or buy one now? :question:

Classic games with crappy new sequals or remakes.

Hey, gamers tntkng here starting my weekly blog. Have you ever played a classic game and then been dissapointed when the sequal or remake came out. Common affenders of this are: Bionic Commando, Alone in the Dark, Wolfenstein, Perfect Dark Zero, and Turok. The originals were classics and some revolultionized the way we play games today, but the less than average remakes or sequals seem to me to diminish the the reputation of these classic franchises. Perfect Dark first came out for Nintendo 64 and was one of the best FPS games of its generation, however the remake was a mess of tired FPS gammeplay elements andweak graphics. Turok was a classic pc shooter and immediately made me a fan of FPS games, but after playing the sequal last year I was dissapointed that there was such little polish given to the game. The game was not bad, but it could have been a lot better. Alone in the Dark was a classic and inventive game with a scary as hell atmosphere. The remake is among my worst games of all time, it was just a mess, the controls didn't work, the graphics were bad, and the combat and driving were just broken. Is this the way to treat remakes and sequals of classic games that were loved by so many? I don't think so. How long have fans waited for another great Spyro or Crash Bandicoot game? Well thats it for this weeks blog, if you liked it check out next weeks. Thanks, tntkng.