@Juub1990: Sorry i wasnt going for a PC list with this, its just consoles like i said a million times. So you want me to make one for you? May also include apple and linux game while im on it?
Tobsesan's forum posts
@GhoX: So how is Sony and Xbox marketing "Console" exclusives? Becuase that is something that doesnt exist? Noone ever was talking about pc last gen, so why is it now? Im a console gamer o couldnt care less what games pc has, i made this list to show XBOX ONE and PS4. All i want to know is, WHAT is wrong on this lsit?
@RossRichard: My god dude wont you get it? Should i call the list XBOX ON AND PC VS PS4 AND PC to make you happy??????????
@RossRichard: Yet they are console exclusive, just read the "rules" i made and get over it my god...
Should i add Neverwinter and smite? I wasnt adding F2p Games what does ps4 have?
@Juub1990: Im not talking about PC since we are on consoles, its a list for PS4 VS XBOX ONE and not PS4 VS XBOX ONE VS WIIU VS PC VS LAST GEN
@Juub1990: @bobrossperm: What Games am i missing? Please tell me, that is why im posting here before adding the review scores. I also added the "rules" at the footer of the picture where you can see why i also added pc games.
@RossRichard: PS4 has the Japanese support which is the most of theire games. Xbox one only has a few of them with its small Japanese install base.
Note: edited by mod (blue_hazy) to correct use of Japanese
@FastRobby: "At E3 2014, a Phantom Dust remake was announced for the Xbox One. In 2015 the development studio working on the game shut down. Microsoft indicated development may proceed with a different team"
We dont know if its cancelled or is under development at another studio, that is whay at 2017+
i was searching online and couldnt find a updated complete list of all exclusives. That is why i decided to make one my own. The "Rules" are included in under the list. If you find anything wrong or something new to add, let me know. I will add a Metacritic Score for every game and an average score for every year tomorrow. I keep updating this list and will give you a link where you can watch it. Also im not the best photoshopper in the world, so if you have better cover art i would be thankfull. Please let me know what you guys think (Sorry for bad english).
For better quality -> http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151113/d3sjyjmi.jpg

UPDATE: Here is the list with review scores http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/xboxonevsps42hu80dxaqgy.jpg
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