I'm still waiting for the idiots who keep saying that they are sticking with their old DS to realize that the 3Ds games don't work on the DS ((they don't even fit in the system)) Oh well though their loss
I have an Iphone, and a DS, i must say the games on the Iphone are fun, but they still don't really compare to my DS in terms of depth y'know. But still the games are fun and I'm happy for apple that they are doing well with the game section of the store. As far as it goes for Gamespot reviewing them, well that would be a serious challenge because like a new game comes out every day for the App store, and most of them are crap, so i highly doubt that them reviewing all over even most of the games for the Iphone will ever happen. @hajjjustin. I don't think apple really was trying to get in the midst of the Game Industry, people put it there though because of all the games for the Iphone. Which by the way apple really doesn't make most if any of the games, small game companies or people with free time do. So really don't blame the Iphone because it's doing great. Above all else the Iphone is still just a mobile phone, that can do way more than just play games.
Why does everyone keep saying Nintendo need to come out with a new Handheld already. You all do realize the Gameboy was out for god knows how long before it became the Advance, I don't think the color was that big of an update, it was really just adding color to the games. But honestly i wouldn't be mad if the DS stayed around for another 3 years, so it has about an 8 year lifespan y'know. That seems accurate.
So, I'm really confused why people are getting all upset. I love my DS lite, but lets face it, the DSi is an honest to god Upgrade. SO what the GBA slot is gone, but last time i checked the Nintendo DS isn't called the Nintendo GameBoy DS. Either keep your old DS or just buck up. I'm sure they will do what they did with the WIi and put alot of the GB games available for download... I'm going to guess that none of you even thought of that possibility did you. Don't worry i'll give all you haters a moment to realize it.... As i was saying, people c'mon the GBA slot isn't that serious, especially since the system isn't suppose to revolve around those types of games. SO i say Kudos Nintendo, I shall be buying this as soon as it becomes available in the U.S. ((i would buy it from japan but right now i'm broke and so i might as well wait right))
So its a few leeps behind i guess, i mean Nintendo did that with the DS, a year ago now sony is doing it with the PSP, okay. Now were waiting for who will really update there next system first, well im probably going to get the new PSP, just because my old one broke, but im not in a rush y'know
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