tom-hitman's forum posts
my xbox broke a few weeks ago. (i had 2 rrod and e74 error)
it wasnt overheating, but for all these people who are planning on buying an xbox, listen to this
i bought my xbox 360 from game on 16th september (2007) i took out this warranty thing, it lasts for 2 years at Game, after that any other disaster, rrod etc is in microsofts hands, anyway to cut a long story short, i took my xbox back straight to game with this warranty i took out, they plugged it in to there power supply. (to check it wasn't dodgy cables etc)
They gave me a brand new xbox 360 with the new falcon chip (i was so chuffed i nearly ran out of game screaming!):D
its not the headset tried a different one, cant get another controller...
im getting a wireless headset for my birthday which is in a few weeks that should cure it hopefully....
anymore suggestions?
Might be something wrong with the headphone port on your wireed controller.
Is it one of the new headsets or is it an older one?
hi thanks for the reply, its a new one, u think a wireless headset will cure this?
ok, new here, so hello...
ok i got a wireless controller and a wired controller, i like using my wired controller more then my wireless because i hate changing the batteries etc, but when i use my headset with the wired controller, a strange buzz comes from the headset, only i can here it no one else, but if i turn the volume down to around half way (not on the dashboard) from full this goes away, when i use the same headset with my wireless controller, it doesn't do this...
if there is no way around this i am getting a wireless headset soon which should cure it.
thanks for reading my confusing thread:shock:
also sorry if this is in the wrong place.
please help!
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