Hey, i'd really appreciate it if you checked out my COD:WAW review.
I'm thinking of doing one maybe each week other each month due to college work and other stuff
Thanks anyway peace out
: )
Hey, i'd really appreciate it if you checked out my COD:WAW review.
I'm thinking of doing one maybe each week other each month due to college work and other stuff
Thanks anyway peace out
: )
Hey there, i'm back, not that any of have looked at my profile haha.
What have I done since i've been on then. Gone from school to college, doing Graphic Design. Gone from 15 to 17 years of age.
Got some new game for my PS3. They include:
Oh yeah, and i borrowed fight night round 3 off a friend and was impressed, though it does get repeatative after a while.
So, yeah, i'll be on and off the forums and may do some of my own reviews on the games that I got.
Peace out
P.S If you read this at all could you let me know so i dont feel like i'm doing this for no reason
Again peace out
Hey, if anyone out there actually pays attention to these blog post, i haven't been on since like 2006, so yer. Since then a lot has happened, England got kicked out of the European cup, and many games have been released. I got a PS3 with some totally awesome games which include:
One game i'm really looking forward to is GTA 4, and i'm sure many of you are to. I'm also really looking forward to seeing the new Bond film and The Dark Knight. Joker looks amazing (R.I.P Heath Ledger).
Thats it really, comment if you want or add as friend, i'd appreiciate it. Ta ta
Last time I was here i was getting ready for my mock exams, now i'm getting ready for my GCSE exams. GULP!!!!
WWE seems to be giving Undertaker something decent since The Great Kali and Mark Henry. Hope he goes against John Cena and not Batista or Bobby Lashely at Wrestlemania.
this may seem kinda random, but when there doesn't seem to be anything interesting to talk about at the moment. Oh well.
Hope something good happens soon so i can run my mouth about it.
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