I've put more time in this game than I would like to admit, on both PC and PS4. It is a fun game, but the time to build up vs the time to destroy is ridiculous still...
@Alecmrhand: I played all of the classes and I ended up maining the support. I ended up at level 54 by the end of the beta and was always in the top 5 spots on the team if not the top.
The guns were amazing and the ammo packs were very useful in this game. You could throw down an ammo pack and get another grenade; so to stop vehicles, I would spam anti-vehicle grenades. Worked better than the anti-vehicle rifle that the assault class gets. The only thing that was better than the grenade spam at stopping tanks was either the tnt charges, which usually got you killed trying to place, or the mines. And of course, the bomber was great, but you couldn't take out a tank with both bombs hit on a single run; by the time you loop around they had healed already.
So in my opinion, the support class was the best anti-vehicle class in the game.
Tomahawk08's comments