@7tizz: Replace Sony with MS and you get yourself. You are no different. Oh wait, he makes great games and you are some fanboy nobody that can't get over the fact that one company is doing better than another; when in fact, it is great for both companies. Competition is good. Period.
@ipar: It was a simple choice for myself. I have a gaming PC, most of Xbox exclusives come to that. Most multiplats run better on PS4, thanks to the slight hardware advantage. Argue it all you want, it is true. Xbox came out of the gate focusing on media and other crap while PS focused on gaming, simple as that. Insult all you want, stick your fingers in your ears and yell, or just don't agree with what the majority of people like; but a trend that gets us away from a new CoD or Creed or Halo rehash every year is fine with me. To each his own.
Tomahawk08's comments