tomdelonge0686's forum posts
I had a 360 and sold it cuz the sports title sucked big time with lag and the system crashing, the games not having features the older consoles had. I love the 360 so im not crapping on it or anything to piss anyone off in this thread at all. But when i bought 06 i could understand they didnt have time to do everything they needed to for the create a player,hall of fame,mini camps and other stuff they do. Then 07 came out and the game would lag in the menu and sometimes the 360 would crash which would piss me off. The day I heard about EA charging ppl for cheats and uniforms was the highlight of me hating them.
NFL 2k8 is coming out this year and hopefully EA will get their act together and stop ripping us off with incompleted games. What i mean by incompleted are buggy/lag menu and gameplay, have the features,actually have a broadcast so i feel like its being a televised game. Another I noticed that the fall of fame is agreat idea but how can u really think being a wr would work? Or a rb or a cb or lb? Its so hard with the camera right on ur back and u cant do anything but run and hope the ball is comig to u which u cant see.I just want them to give me options of ****c or now options cuz ****c i loved where ur being a player then playing all the players like franchise but ur main focus is on ur player not ur team.
Im off of the sports from EA but I have more to go over, when i said incompleted games they do the same with battlefield2 and 2142. You know battlefield 2 came out in 04? it was perfect! drool it was so perfect! But, EA aka dice got dumb and made awards,medals and ranks so hard to get to. Ive been playing for a good 2 years from release date and i have a life so i dont devote myself to that game like most ppl that high ranks. That was the only thing they needed to fix was the ranking system and stats for medals.
The reason y the ranking system was so bad was 1 someone got a gun much powerful than u alot quicker and 2 it was way way up there. Like, corpal the 4th rank up was something like 30,000 points... so ea fixed this part but ruined alot of the gameplay after this. Im sorry im a soldier in the army and in combat I dolphin dive haha when someone is shooting at me. I dont think this is gonna hurt my chest or not I just go down and then back up running, another u can take a pack of c4 and jump and throw. I also heard the bf series on the pc isnt the only one messed up too. I heard the EA servers *cough* no suprise crashes and u lose all of ur medals = pain in the butt!
So after the 1.22 patch the game was amazing to good = not the best anymore.... With the 1.3 patch the servers would crash so much ppl stopped playing. Then 1.4 came out , now this messed up 1 more thing haha man ur thinking im complaining but im giving reasons. Like i said 1.4 made it where if u grow from prone to stand up u lag well not lag but u shake and cant shoot for a good second. This second is alot of a delay when someone is shooting at u.
So im off of the bf2 game, the said part about this is bf2 engine is easily 5 years old..3 in the making and 2 on the market.. 2142 omg! this game is still unstable! they still havent fixed out after 6 months of release which is said :(.
I hope EA doesnt destroy the gaming market :.
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