Gamers need to unite to have a law passed that helps look after the gaming community
Because of Frame rate problems. I believe Frame rates problems in a game should be classed as a fault and allow the customer to claim a full refund from the lazy developers that release unfinished games upon the gaming community. By law, the developers should be made to do a full recall when a game is riddled with frame rate problems.
We, the gamer, pay a lot of money for these so called next gen games and are constantly screwed over by lazy developers. Frame Rate issues should be a thing of the past - there is no excuse for it anymore, especially with the hardware that developers have to work with today.
Frame rate issues should be classed as a fault because they spoil what has the potential to be a fantastic gaming experience.
What hurts the most is that the developers know full damn well that they are releasing games unfinished - they have a dozen testers checking for faults in the games, so why exactly do they have them when they still release the game with all the problems?
Frame rate problems affect us all no matter which console we own. So what I want to know is:
As gamers what would we need to do, to have the law changed so frame rate problems are recognised as a fault?
How would we go about making this change?
If frame rate was recognised as a fault, it would make developers think twice about trying to screw the people over who pay their wages.
I suppose there should be a law for torturous movies as well
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