When I was going through withdrawl from some very potent illegal drugs, I had an experience similar to what you're talking about. I was floating on the side of a mountain, there was a river, on the other side of the river on the mountain there was distorted air just hovering there and communicating with me. Asking me if this is what I wanted to do with my life, I answered "No". It then said to go back. At the time this happened I wasn't sleeping, wasn't napping, I was just laying there and had closed my eyes. It wasn't a dream. I can't remember what I dreamed about last night, this happened about 9 years ago and is still as clear as day in my memory. Divine intervention?
I work day shift in a hospital in Pennsylvania, we all had to stay through the night on 911, they were expecting many casualties, and victims being transferred to nearby states because of an overload of patients. But that never happened because of the great death toll, there weren't many survivors.
They're entertaining, but they can be wasted time if you start one and get obsessed with it. I've gotten obsessed before and felt like I was wasting the days away, but continued playing anyway until I finished. I couldn't help it!
No, never forget 911. If the U.S ever let it's guard down it will surely happen again. 911 isn't like getting over an old girlfriend. Always remember how lucky we are to live here, and never forget about what happened that day. No one has forgotten about Pearl Harbor either.
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