tonyandsteff's forum posts
[QUOTE="Imallvol7"]i have three friends with ps3 guitar hero 3 and one of them is my room mate. I refuse to purchase it till they fix the guitar. I hate that the neck detaches and it seems to misregister alot. I will not buy until they fix this.The_Rick_14
The detachable neck has nothing to do with it. I've found that if I actually concentrate on what I'm doing, the misregisters don't happen (because they don't exist either, it's people who's timing is off but think they're better than that because they beat GH2 on expert and refuse to think just maybe its them).
As far as the lag, Activision has stated the suggested lag adjustments for specific set-ups in the forums at Both the wireless guitar, HDTV, and sending sound through a receiver can cause lag. In general something in the range of 30-40 ms should work for most people. Also, I've never had any new problems with star power, only the same one that it sometimes goes off when I don't want it to because I accidently tilt it a little bit.
Exact same scenario here. I have had no problems so far and my tv is a 2005 model Toshiba 57" so don't anybody tell me it's because their tv is too old either. It runs at 720p. I also am using a Yamaha audio receiver via the Digital Optical out. So I'm pretty sure the_rick_14 is right and it's not the game, TV, or receiver, but the user... Yes, that means you...
When I put Rock Band in the PS3, it tells me it needs to update to version 1.01 or something like that. Could this be a patch to allow the GH3 guitar to work? Since I dont have one, I don't really know.jclary14
no it means your ps3 has not been updated since, well, probably february
I believe Harmonix said that Rock Band was designed to work with all third party guitars so I would expect this issue to be resolved in some way.
Hopefully so because owners of Les Paul guitars for the PS3 are going to be pissed if they planned on picking up the stand alone game of Rock Band.
uhh, yeah like me. That was my plan from the start, and then purchase the drums at a later date. I could care less about the microphone. What's the deal with this crap, I mean is it REALLY that hard to do this right? As of now, even GH 1 and 2 won't work on the PS3 with the Les Paul controller. That was ANOTHER downside to the whole situation. I still bought GH3 under the assumption that in the near future either GH 1 and 2 will be downloadable through PSN or they'd resolve the issue and I'd be able to play it before too long. I don't need or want 3 - 6 guitars laying around here for all the different games... That's a bit ridiculous.
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