After getting another friend request saying they're from Gamespot I came here to see if my trophy detail have been taken off, most of which have but I'm still on the main leaderboard (by level%) I'm #24 if you cant find me. Just please take it off I don't add people I've never even talked to before.L33T_TI200P3I2
you're still in the list. funny that idiots add ya even your top25, then i guess many idiots sending spam friend request to everyone in the leaderboard. i didn't thought so many losers adding people for trophies just for tracking, want to be friend who has lots... whatever more sad reasons.
first is PS Home and now this, now i've seen everything. people are getting more weird, no offence gamers. they even send me friend request and messages to my other psn tonytekken6, and i tell ya guys i recieved lots there and i don't have a trophy... *facepalm*. this shows that idiots just look at leaderboard and randomly add.
this is the reason i want to leave this leaderboard, but before take me off in the list, update my trophy for 'collector of the month' if i'm qualify. if not that's ok. july is my birth month lol.... and it's my last. if there's something wrong about me in the list on next update, i'll maybe post a message. hope you understand me.
advice to people in leaderboard, next time you update your trophies, put a message like "blank friend request will automatically delete or ignore..."
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