topmanhugo's forum posts
dere is no point waiting.
1 microsoft said week beggining 7th may
2 major nelson also said he doesent know when its coming out
3 windows live will launch 2morrow so the update should be tomorrow aswell and we will get an eamil
4 it will cum out in the US before UK as usual
5 dont spend ur bank holiday waitin 4 it
i hate it wen im right loool hehe. yep so update tomorrow at 10/11am uk.
1 microsoft said week beggining 7th may
2 major nelson also said he doesent know when it coming out
3 windows live will launch 2morrow so the update should be tomorrow aswell and we will get an eamil about the update
4 it will cum out in the US before UK as usual
5 dont spend ur bank holiday waitin 4 it
1 microsoft said week beggining 7th may
2 major nelson also said he doesent know when it coming out
3 windows live will launch 2morrow so the update should be tomorrow aswell and we will get an eamil about the update
4 it will cum out in the US before UK as usual
5dont spend ur bank holiday waitin 4 it
1 microsoft said week beggining 7th may
2 major nelson also said he doesent know when it coming out
3 windows live will launch 2morrow so the update should be tomorrow aswell and we will get an eamil about the update
4 it will cum out in the US before UK as usual
5dont spend ur bank holiday waitin 4 it
dere is no point waiting.
1 microsoft said week beggining 7th may
2 major nelson also said he doesent know when its coming out
3 windows live will launch 2morrow so the update should be tomorrow aswell and we will get an eamil
4 it will cum out in the US before UK as usual
5 dont spend ur bank holiday waitin 4 it
dere is no point waitimg.
1 microsoft said week begging 7th may
2major nelson also said he doesent know when it coming out
3windows live will launch 2morrow so the update should be tomorrow aswell and we will get an eamil
4 it will cum out in the US before UK as usual
5dont spend ur bank holiday waitin 4 it
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