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Evil... At Last!

 Yeah! Evil Bert!!

Watch your back, buddies!!! Mwahahahaha!!

Well, that was just a little hello and ooooohh we have snoooow in Bergen!!
Not for long so enjoy!

Sweet thought to you all and Mary at the hospital...
I think about you even if I don't appear too often! :)

HUGS!! :D 8)

Rank  : Evil Bert
Level : 12
Percentage  : 7.88% (+57,43%)
Forum post  : 829 (+51)
Submissions : Accepted : 17 (-)
Reviews     : 8 (+1)

Happy 2007!!!

Happy New Year to you all! :)

I wish you a lot of smiles and laughters!

I wish you love and happiness!

I wish you great and happy ending adventures in tundras and volcanoes as well at the supermarket and the post office. Excitement is around the corner!

I wish you the joy of curiosity and wonders of childhood.

I wish you YOUTH in the MIND! :)

HUGS...  :)

Proud Mamber of the BUN Association

Thumbs Down for IE7!!

Bonjour!!! :)
I hope you are all doing fine! :)

Winter weather has reached Norway. Rain and grey clouds are among us. The bright side is that we'll soon be able to go to ski!! In the maintine, winter coats are in full use....

I like using both Firefox and IE. Yesterday, I tried the new Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1. There was a button on my Yahoo toolbar suggesting to install it, so I decided to try it out. I HATED it!!! I removed it today.

IE7 is like a BAD version of Firefox. The menu bars are frustrating and not as flexible as the previous versions of IE. When you think that you personalize them in an acceptable way to go on working... the next time you open the browser, the toolbars area is a mess again... :?

All the browsers come with the tab format, even if you only open one page by browser, which results in a loss of space.

Until they make it better, don't upgrade your version!

Btw, do some of you experience trouble with yahoo sites (bad display of the pages, downloading of the page taking ages...)?

I finally managed to get some music online. :) Here is a piece of what I am listening to while working, from French musician Jean Michel Jarre

 Jean Michel Jarre in Chine (pic taken from: Jean Michel Jarre in Chine (pic taken from: 

(Click on the thumbnails to enlarge)

Listen to: Part 4 of the Equinoxe album, which is quite known. Hope you enjoy! :)

I am in the process of collecting all his work and Best of collections won't make it for me. Because listening to Jean Michel Jarre's music is a process. Each album says a story that leads you up the mountain and down to the valley...  A whole journey... :)

Have a great weekend!!
HUGS & lots of positive thoughts! :)

Proud Member of the BUN Association

Rank  : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage  : 50.45 ( +0,73%)
Forum post  : 778 ( +20)
Submissions : Accepted : 17 (-)
Reviews     : 7 (-)

Itchy legs... On the way BACK!!

Hello everyone!!!

Like always, appearing from the shadow to remind you of my little existence! I think of you all the time!! :)

So what's new here?

1/ I'm getting off the meds, gradually. In about 3 weeks, I'll be able to eat plenty of broccoli, and persil (parsley) without having them interfering with the treatment! Ain't that great? :D

2/ Last week, I started to train at the gym again. They have this new concept where while in the spinning class, you can monitor your heart rate. You wear a device on the chest and look at the numbers on the big screen behind the instructor. It's a great concept. You have a total control of your effort. They already had a scale where you could know what heart rate zone you should be in according to the intensity of the exercise, and how you should feel (easy to do, very hard, hurting, you can no longer talk to your peers as you use all the oxygen, etc.) and for each zone of the session, you had the number of the zone. Now, we actually can check with numbers and control how much effort you make along the way.
So I discovered my highest heart rate: 174 bpm. I'll try to do better at the next session! Then, I’ll actually will enter my own data (highest heart rate and age). :)

And I started again weight training. A group class where we use weights on a steel bar. It's so much fun!! 55 minutes training the whole body! But after about 8 months without training those muscles, the awakening was rude. I knew I had to lower my expectations in terms of how much I could handle, and it was verified. But the worse came from the days after. I don't remember having those pains after my first ever session. Maybe I used less weight back then. But I can tell you, I trained on the Saturday, went dancing the whole night, and could barely walk until the Wednesday. It really is now that the muscles on the back of my thighs feel normal. But I am ok with that pain. I'll balance better tomorrow, stretch much more after the class and it will be fine.

3/ Talking about legs: any of you have this phenomenon of itchy legs going on? It happens to me after I have been walking at moderately fast to high speed for around 10 minutes, going down a little slope. The higher the angle (going more down) the more uncomfortable the itching becomes. It starts close to the ankles and goes up both legs until the hips, a bit above the hips. It only takes 5-10 minutes to get both entirely legs itching like hell! You feel like you want to scratch, but if you do, it makes it worse!!! The only relieves are when you stop for about 5 minutes or if the start climbing up. I had this today on the way to the doctor. I had to run in order to arrive faster, which made the whole experience torture... My doc was amazed over the phenomenon and I'm set to medical tests with a specialist in a near future. I hope to find some answers. I googled "itchy legs" and I know I am not the only one having this problem.

I wanted to let you hear some of the music I listen to while working, but the server won't let me upload it today. So here is a little pic to look for the 4-leaves one. (click to enlarge the pic).

Do you see it?

Come on… Try again…

Adios mes amis!! Lots of LOVE!! 

Proud member of the BUN Association!!!

Rank  : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage  : 50.45 ( +6,9%)
Forum post  : 758 ( +49)
Submissions : Accepted : 17 (-)
Reviews     : 7 (-)

A Little Song To Remember...

Hello Guys!

It's been a while since I blogged and blopped... So sorry! The days are now shorter for me, literally and metaphorically. I can't get it! But I think of you all all the time!! :)

In the last blog, I said that I would talk more about opera. One of my favorites is Lakmé by Léo Delibes. The scene takes place in India, during the colonialist period. Local religions were forbidden. However, Lakme's father was still running his cult in secret.

In the song, Lakmé, and her maidservant, are on their way to the river, where Lakme is going to take her morning bath.

(To listen to the song, click either the pic or the link. The song lasts around 6 minutes.)

Click to listen to Lakmé sing  Viens, Mallika...Dôme épais le jasmin.mp3...

The song is very famous and has been used in commercials for British Airways, the Ford Galaxy car, etc. You may not recognize it at first, but I am sure that you heard it before! :)

I'm sending a special thought out there in this day of sad memory. Group hug...

I think that will be all for today.... I'll try to pop up more often... Lots of thought to you guys! LUV!!

Proud Member of the BUN Association!!

Rank : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage : 43.55% ( 1,87%)
Forum post : 709 ( 41)
Submissions : Accepted : 17 (-)
Reviews : 7 (-)

Amore...amoOore...amoroOOOore!!! - Act I

Ciao Bellas and Bellos!! :)


Saturday night, I went for the first time to an open air opera. I went with 2 colleagues and we saw Il Trovatore by Guiseppe Verdi. Love, passion, vengeance and rumors of witchcraft!!

Well, I found out about the scenario like 3 hours ago. My colleagues and I enjoyed the whole piece without knowing anything about the story, and it was all in Italian!!! :D
Anyway, here is your chance to know what Verdi's Il Trovatore is about .

The performance was quite a success, although the soprano almost put me to sleep. I eventually wished someone would put an end to my misery, she was really boring in her singing, much in contrast with the Gypsy's interpreter, whose voice was very special, warm, passionate and full of surprises. You could not help but follow her in the depths and highs of her vocal journey.

Here are some pics. They are blury but you don't care, right? ;)
(Click the thumbnails to enlarge)

The open air scene Il Trovatore - Opera by Verdi Il Trovatore - Opera by Verdi ... and a little video that only lasts 9 seconds but you'll recognize the song:

Next time, I'll post some more about opera and theater. Nothing boring, I promise! :)


Today, I watched those two things on BBC World

1) Computers: your data in whose hands?

Remember Ang's post about "Too much information"?
Well, the computer you put in the dumpster… if you don't have a DDD-B, it might end up in Nigeria or Russia, where people there can extract valuable data about your personal life from the hard drive.

Yep. The BBC World reporter travelled from Nigeria, knocked at the door of a complete stranger in UK, told him his name, where he had a bank account and what the number was. I guess he could as well give him the passwords he used… Ain't that scary? More details here!!

2) The other thing is that, out of all the trouble lying around in the wolrd, specialist are going to gather to find out… whether Pluto is or not a planet!! And for that matter, what qualifies or not as a planet.

Who the heck cares about that?? Well, I do! :oops: I want them to consider Pluto as a planet. It is my favorite planet, after Earth, of course!!
What you reckon: Planet or not planet?
More details at Experts meet to decide Pluto fate.

That's all folks!!!

Have a great week!!

Proud Member of   the BUN Association!! Waf!!

Rank : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11

Percentage : 41.68% (+ 4,82%)
Forum post : 668 (+ 29)
Submissions : Accepted : 17 (+2)
Reviews : 7 (-)

I'm pony, your pony, we all love out pony!

Hello Everyone! 

Summer seems to be over this week. Grey clouds and rainy days are back? The future will tell… 

I have a metaphysical question for you…

As you know, I had a hard-drive failure and lost some songs. I could download back most of them, except the ones from Cher. (I have been warned against those ones, if I recall well...) ;) 

Anyway, the site where I bought them won’t let me download them again and the customer service apologized deeply – a problem with their provider – and gave me, as compensation, free access to download one entire album plus one song. Anything (except Cher, of course). Yippie!! Where is the :question: then? 

I would love to download Natasha Bedingfield's album, but I already have 2 of her songs, which means that I would only really use 80% of my compensation. And so far, I can’t think of another artist.

What do you think:
- download N. Bedingfield anyway?
- if not, could you suggest an artist? You see, the problem is that whenever I am poor, I know whose album I want. Suddenly, when I get some money, may head just gets blank!! :?

Two days ago, I took this little pic.

A lost vase...

(Click to enlarge)

I am not satisfied with the lightning, so I will need to take another shot in another time of the day… Still, it is nice, isn’t it?

Good day to ya!!!          Proud Member of the BUN Association!!

Rank  : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage  : 36.86% (+ 7,81%)
Forum post  : 639    (+ 31)
Submissions : Accepted : 15 (-)
Reviews :     7 (-)

New Banner... ;) - [Edited With Original Pic]

Hello Everybody!!

Not much is happening around here!

The weather here is extremely cooperative. Bright sun all day long and rain at night. My social life being nearly nonexistent at the moment, the rainy nights are no issue at all...

I now have a new banner. I try to explore details of my own pictures as sources of meditation, amazement and gratefulness towards Mother Nature's gifts. :D

Forest in Wai-O-Tapu, New Zealand

Original picture taken in a place called Wai-O-Tapu, New Zealand.

Candle A special coucou to: Drea, Mary and Sassy... Keep up the good work, Scott!! Ang, why aren't those legs lifted up?! ;)
Lots of hugs and positive thoughts!

I wish you all a great...

CLICK  ME!!!  click me!!

Proud Menber of the BUN Association!

Rank : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage : 29.05% (+ 8,14%)
Forum post : 608    (+ 35)
Submissions : Accepted : 15 (+2)
Reviews :    7 (-)

I Reached My GV-SPOT And Got A Brain Upgrade...

Hello Everyone!!

Welcome back, Mary, I am glad that you are enjoying some stay at home with hubby and us :)

Today, I went for a little walk in a nearby forest to my favorite Great View Spot. The walk was really nice.

I had with me a book about qualitative research and found in it interesting points that, as a result, provoked a brain upgrade in my advantage.

Isn’t this sensation amazing, when you are aware of a brain upgrade, thinking: yeah, this totally makes sense!! I feel more connected to... (Fill in the blanks with what's intriguing you)!! The cosmos, calorie free chocolate, etc! :D

So here is where it all happened today..  (click on the pics to enlarge.)
On the way up to seat up up there:


On my right, where I seat & on my left:


On the way back, I met some flowers and a bee ;)


So Mary is back and Drea is leaving us for little while. She has to give a visit to the nurses at the hospital and tell them about life. :) You’ll be missed, Drea. I sat this little arrangement for you!

Enjoy the party with the in-laws and your little family!! Happy birthday to Hubby!! :)
Here's some cake!!!

Rank : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage : 20.91% ( - )
Forum post : 573 (+ 19)
Submissions : Accepted : 13 (-)
Reviews : 7 (-)

God I Hate the Alpha Male Approach!!!

Proud Member of the BUN Association!! What a day! Get up early to go to the doctor, worked like a maniac with the supervisor, laundry, cleaning… Busy and TOO WARM day!

Sooo.. this morning, coming back for the doc, just when I am about to take the elevator, comes off it a guy with a motorcycle helmet on his head, trying to make his move on me. Where are you from, blah blah. Well, right on, I am NOT interested, and I was thinking, he is rather rude to come that strong on me, like wanting my phone number, with his helmet on the head, etc. Well, I managed to get rid of him, taking the so true excuse that I had a lot to do, sorry mate.

Then, I come back form my office, exhausted, yet the laundry to do and god this is so warm today and silly me with black cloths today, of course!!

Then, just when I am about to take the elevator, comes off it – feeling of déjà vu isn’t it? The same guy, without helmet. Damn! And this time, he does not get on the side, he just stands there in front of me, his arm extended to the door of the elevator, stopping me from getting in, while making his move on me. AGAIN. Like, wow is that a coincidence? Yes it IS a coincidence, Blah blah so amazing is that a coincidence? What part of “YES it is a coincidence” did you not get you moron?

All I can see is that I need to get in this elevator and there he in my way. And his arm blocking me from moving forward to my own business, using the ALPHA MALE approach to expose his MALE pheromones from his underarms. Do I look like I want a shot of your pheromones????    :evil:

Sniffing at pheromones!!! ewww -

So I say, oh you know, I am not too social at the moment, much work to do. And he’s like, yes but sometimes, you may want to relax you know… And I’m like in my head .oO Yeah.. right!--- Well you know, I am tired and I am sick (which is true, as I am in recovering period), I really need to go home. And he’s like, you could call me. Well, maybe… I can’t promise anything… I mean, ME, not asking for the phone number, should be a clue… By the way, do you know my name? I mean, are you interested in even knowing my name???

Then I get allowed to step in the elevator, but he still blocks the door from closing, so I am still not off the hook… Of course not, he wants to know in which apartment I live so that he could pay me a visit. Errrrr… and I’m like, oh you know this is not the kind of information I give just like that, I am a bit paranoid, you know… and thanks goodness comes a neighbor in the elevator and ciao, maybe some other time.

I am SO taking the stairs fro the OTHER entrance from now on!!!
How to tell someone PISS OFF, yet being polite???
Ang, would that qualify for brawny?

I hope everything is going smooth for ya all!!
Wink and hugs to Marry!!

Just for the good mood :)

Rank : Red Shirted Lt.
Level : 11
Percentage : 20.91% (+ 2,36%)
Forum post : 554 (+ 19)
Submissions : Accepted : 13 (-)
Reviews : 7 (-)