Battlefield Bad Company is probably really cheap right now. I liked it more than Cod 4/5. But still CoD4 is a great choice.
torontomapleafs' forum posts
I haven't looked at it too much but it sounds pretty cool if they pull it off. I have a feeling it will be one of those games with no hype and turns out to be not very good though.
If it was good. But i have a PSP and i find it very difficult to play it sometimes because most of the games are just so bad when you compare them to a console version. So if it was good or somewhat good compared to the 360 i would consider getting it but if it was still badcompared to consoles i probably wouldn't bother.
Not saying it is but even if it was the worst RTS of this year who cares as we're only 3 months in to this year.
The probably mean immediate as in this month or something. I still think they will drop the price by $50 come April.
No, I understand that. Maybe you just didn't understand the question. compared to free online for the PS3, what is so much better about xbox live that it costs $60 a year?
Wellfor instance Live has exclusive Fallout 3, GTA IV DLC content. Also Live has in game messaging, private chat, game invites Etc. (Not sure IF PS3 has this yet as i haven't played PSN in a while) Live also has Party chat, Netflix, Avatars. But really it was just a marketing descision for M$ as they decided they would charge for Live and make it good well Sony decided they would rather have free online and it's still pretty good but they probably lose money on it where M$ gains lots of money from Live.
Who cares about exclusives. I'll be playing Battlefield Bad Comapny 2 and modern warfare 2 and the both of them are going to be wayy better than any of the exclusives this year.
Or the USA.Okay, now someone post the equally terrible facts and statistics about Palestine.
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