@19James89 @torrne667 No..picking on one part of the xbox ones functionality and then saying that is all it can do is trolling. Did you see both conferences? if so then you are a fucking troll, if you didnt then you will be forgiven. The xbox one has all bases covered although i for one wont be using it to control my tv, i do think i will use the media functions to hook it up to my media library so i can watch and listen to stuff wherever i am. Please dont troll and then complain about being called on it..it makes you look even more trollish.
@Insane2013 @Double-Ego yeah right, "thats coming from a 360 owner" if this was the case, why would you say "there"(and it should be THEIR by the way) all of the time? good try troll now **** off back under your bridge and play your ps3..by the way re your RROD comment....sony had the YLOD so now what are you gonna say? ebay is FULL of YLOD consoles and consoles with failed bluray drives so dont even go THERE with the hardware failure arguements.
AAAAAAAAAAhhh HA HA HA HA HA HA AH AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! Can you see it now sony fanboys? The two companies had the exact same ideas but sony needs to have the edge somehow and dropped a peripheral so that you would all have something to fingerpoint at the other consoles-in this case price.
@DamnILoveGames @torrne667 thing is COD has fanboys yes i agree, BUT...their game WORKS! And has also set a standard for multiplayer no matter whether you love or hate it. This is broken garbage with a deadpool blanket draped over it. And i also said that people should rent before they buy..Dont buy it until youve tried it people!!
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