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touchANDdie22 Blog


I love food. Eating is my favourite thing to do. I love beef and noodles. Chile puree suace is extremely good on noodles.

A party

My friend is leaving soon so we threw him a suprise party. The only problem was that my friend told Kunal, the friend that is leaving, about the party. So, we had a cake, but a kid threw a football into it. The cake went everywhere. I also found out that I have a big butt. I thought my butt was small, but apperantly girls have been looking and say that my butt is huge.

The Honeymooners

That is the movie we went to see. It was hilarious. Cedric the Entertainer did well and so did the others. I enjoyed it very much and I usually do not say that I liked movies. See it.

A "Date"

Well, see, today i was supposed go to a movie with some of my friends. Well one of the friends was my
"friends" "girlfriend", they never talk or anything, and then the group was supposed to go out to eat. Well, ya see, nobody but me and the "girlfriend" showed up. So it was like a date but it was not. It was the most akward thing ever. The theater was practically empty and she is my "friends" "girlfriend". Very interesting

Eye doctor

today sucked. i went to the eye doctor and gotmyeyes dialated and then it was really sunny. Then my sis locked her keys in the car. Then we had to walk for miles in the sun to get an extra set of car keys.

Band part 2

So i just bought all the crap i need for band. This crap includes a lyre, a flip folder, marching band shoes, valve oil, and a folding stand. The shoes are all black and extremely ugly. But i love the tuba and band, so it is all good.


Xanga is the wierdest thing ever. My friend who I said liked my other friend denied it until today when she posted it on her xanga. Also xanga is like a journal, but people rate your thoughts. I think that it is different.


For band we have to memorize ten sheets of music. This may be easy for some, but i have the worst memory ever. I cannot remeber more than one of my teachers from last year.


We won are last game. We almost made the playoffs, but the team that we needed to lose won 6-1. It is/was my last year playing soccer. I love soocer though. Playing makes me feel like i have no worries. It also relieves me of energy which helps me not go much crazier.