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The Awesomeness of Gears of War 3.

Gears of War 3 came out today. I have played it so much already :). I started off playing online, because i was waiting for my partner to get the game so we could eplay CO-OP campaign. I played online for ages, and at first i found it quiet hard, but then after 2 games...i had found my rythm. I started to get over 10 kills a game in Team Deathmatch. I have a good K.D. so far, and a good Win/Loss K.D. I ended up getting to level 24 on multi-player on the first day!!

Then when my friend got back from getting the game in the shop, we played a couple more games online before we played campaign. I think campaign is really awesome! I don't want to spoil anything for anyone so i'm not going to say what i was going to say. We got to Act 2 and then stopped, because we didn't want to play campaign to much ont he first day. I think Clayton Carmine is just a legend! It is funny however how he has really big muscles.....but he still speaks the same as he's wimpier brothers :lol:. He sounds like such a baby haha, still think he's awesome though, but just thought he was more badass than this, but oh well.

The after that, we went on Horde for a bit :). Horde was really fun and so much more fun than Gears of war 2. The way you can lay out barriers and upgrade them and get turrets. It's just brilliant. We got to wave 10 and then 1 really giant monster appeared. We got OWNED!He did not want to die! We tried our best to kill him but he would not die. We realised we had to get the flamethrowers to kill him, but didn't make no difference. We kept failing unitl we ended up getting 2 beserkers instead! Beserkers were just as worse!!! And the fact that there were two of them :cry:. I ended up going offline, but i will try again tomorrow.


Can't wait for Gears of War 3!!

This is probably one of my favorite trilogy's in a game....EVER! This game seriously has everything. When i first ever played Gears of war, i was in a friends house (when i didn't have an xbox). I then got an xbox and got that game with the xbox. When i say everything, i mean everything. The Graphics are just supreme. I could still play Gears of war 1 and it would feel normal! Gears of wars game play is just awesome. The game play is just brilliant. The story of Gears of war 1 and 2 have been so emotional and deep. It gets you hooked right in to the story, and Gears 3 doesn't look like it's going to disappoint!

Gears of wars multi-player is just undescribable. Say you buy call of duty for example, you want to get to the highest level right? Well i have tried to get to the highest level on that game but eventually, i get bored of it after a while. Halo is the same. Whereas Gears of war, i have actually got to level 100. The highest level. I really do love them game's. I have not got to the highest level on a game EVER before.

Gears of wars Horde is just so unique. You might think a lot of games have horde, or as it's called in other games "survival" but Gears of wars horde is unique in it's own way. I can't really explain it, but if you play Gears you will have a general idea of what i'm talking about.

Personally, i think the enemy's in Gears of war (Locust) are very unique and are my favorite thing in the game. I love everything about the game's. I only like the enemy's the most by a fraction. I love everything equally, but the Locust a bit more then everything else. The people you get to play as (COG) are all amazing characters as well. The COG are not just any characters....they are the best characters in any game! They all have very different personality's of there own.

Overall i just love the Gears of war series and i am so sad that is coming to an end :( i am going to miss the franchise. I am going to still check out all of EPIC'S games though in the future. But none will ever be the same as Gears of War.

Dead Island!

When i first saw Dead islands release Trailer, i thought it was going to be a good game when it comes out, and that was about 3-4 months ago. The trailer looked really sad, and i though the game was going to have a sad story, but it doesn't really. Infact it doesn't have much of a story at all, but who cares? I love it so much.

When i got more into the game, i thought it was going to be awesome. The i got even more into it and i could not wait for the game; then i actually got the game, and it was everything + more i thought it was going to be. It is such an awesome game. It has RPG elements, good gamplay, good graphics, it is set in a really good island (Banoi), and the combat in the game is brilliant. When you are fighting the zombies, it is so fun. The game has so many Quests to do.

Me and my friend have played every mission on CO-OP. We have done every little thing together, and it is so fun. If you try to play by urself, you will end up dying over and over again, because it gets super hard further into the game. It was worth the money by far, and i am going to play it every day and hopefully complete it before Gears of war 3 comes out, otherwise if i don't complete it before, i will be to busy playing Gears of war to play anything else.

Sidekick competition and Dead island.

So i have been waiting to play Dead island for months now, even since i saw that first emotional trailer. I pre-ordered it 1 week ago, and should have received the email saying the game has been dispated on Tuesday. However, thats not the case. I did not receive an email on Tuesday about the game being dispatched. Neither did i get one today. I'm hoping it will still be here at my doorstep tomorrow morning, or if not Friday at the latest. I can not wait to play that game because i am a massive zombie/horror fan.

The other thing i wanted to talk about is that sidekick competition. When i first saw it, i thought straight away this is going to be brilliant fun. In then started it and chose my bracket. The voting for round 1 was suppose to start today, however it has not yet started. I am getting a bit annoyed of being let down by Gamespots slow timing. The competition should have started ages ago now. I think at 7:00pm. I hope it does start today though, because i am excited about it, and seeing as ive not had a very good week for various other reasons, i hope this does hurry up and start.

Thanks for listening G-Spotters :D

All Time Greatest Sidekick!

My all time greatest sidekick predictions.

Round 1 Winners: Tails, Wakka, Dominic Santiago, The darkness, Cortana, Athena, Captain price, Prinny, Garrus Vakarian, Sheva Alomar, Sully, HK-47, Clank, Elika, Albert Einstein, Yoshi, Luigi, Murray, Dogmeat, Barry Burton, Barry Wheeler, Toad, Midna, Alex Jacobson, Companion cube, Zeke Dunbar, Epona, Servbot, Diddy Kong, Morte, Dog, Otacon.

Round 2 Winners: Tails, Domanic Santiago, Athena, Captain Price, Garrus Vakarian, Sully, Clank, Yoshi, Luigi, Barry Burton, Toad, Midna, Companion Cube, Servbot, Diddy Kong, Dog.

Sweet Sixteen Winners: Tails, Athena, Garrus, Vakarian, Luigi, Toad, Diddy Kong, Companion Cube.

Elite Eight Winners: Tails, Luigi, Yoshi Companion Cube.

Final four Winners: Luigi, Yoshi.

The Finals between Luigi and Yoshi......... Luigi is going to win the whole thing!

Just got back.

I got back from Hastings/Camber sands yesterday. I wasn't very happy to be back in London -_- After all the country side is the best place to be. So much better then London. On the other hand i was happy to play Far cry 2 again :). I have played it a bit today since i have been back, and once again it was Awesome! I am going to play it again tomorrow. I have been looking forward to another game for a long long time now, and that game is Dead island. I can not wait for that game and i have no idea how i was able to wait for it this long. When i first saw the trailer, i was just so amazed at the graphics and the storyline. It did look different on the other trailers however, but it still looks Wicked, and i can not wait. Dead island come's out 9/9/11.... Basically next Friday. It will keep me playing for a long while, and i hope to play co-op with some friends to...if they get it that is.

Far Cry 2 came.

Far Cry 2 has finally came! It came today and i was so excited when i opened the package and saw it :D. Far cry 2 has some features that no other games have, e.g. The way you can interact with literally every little thing in the game, from opening doors, picking up guns, ammo, driving and the map feature. Hardly any other games have that. But i am going on holiday tomorrow for the weekend, so won't be able to play it till Monday again now, but oh well holiday should be good. :D. When i get back gonna bang Far cry out and i still can't believe i got the game for a brilliant deal, which was £2.99! I mean that's just amazing right? Anyway i'll blog on Monday when i get back :D. See you later G spotters.

Trophy will not Unlock!

I have been playing Legends of Wrestlemania for Ps3 for the fun of it. I know its an old game but hey, still fun. I tryed to get a Trophy on it by doing what it tells me to do. I therefore done that, But i did not get my Trophy. It has happened before when i have been playing xbox. I got the achievement about a couple of weeks later, which s very stupid. I got one recently as well when i was playing Top spin 4. You had to get to level 20, which i did but i still didn't get the achievement...

I don't understand though why i didn't get my Trophy after doing all the things the description told me to do. On Ps3 when you earn Trophys you have to wait about 10 seconds before it actually appears anyway, and you think it might not appear. Thats what happened to me. I was waiting at least 10 minutes for it! Nothing -_-. It is really annoying. First the game i ordered doesn't come on time (Still not here by the way) and now my Trophy doesn't Unlock. What the hells this about? If anyone does know how to unlock a Trophy when it doesn't unlock itself can you tell me please, would be much appreciated.

Thanks :).

Far cry 2 not arrived yet!

On Sunday i thought i am going to check game and gamestation to see what company sells Far cry 2 cheapest, then i found out it was Gamestation. I ordered the game for £2.99. I thought that was a good deal and it comes within 1-2 business days. So i thought to myself, It will be here by Tuesday i think. It didn't come pn Tuesday....So i thought if i didn't come then, it most definatley will come on Wedensday (Today)....and did it come? no. It is really annoying because it has never come late before except for the last game i bought from game about 1 week ago. It came about 3 days late for some reason and that was the first time it was late, and now it has happened again. Hmmmm :/. It really should come tomorrow because if it don't, how am i suppose to rely on them to deliver a game like Gears of war 3 or Fifa 12 when i pre-order them? I want to know i can trust them to bring it to me on time. I hope this is the last time it happens...for a while at least.

Far cry 2 and Vanquish

I am looking forward tot he new Far cry game coming out in 2012 i think it is, so i thought i am going to get Far cry 2 and complete it so i know what is gonig on in the story. I am sure i have played number 1 before but i am just going to get number 2 and carry on from there. I have ordered it, so it should be here on monday or tuesday. I am also happy because i only got the game for £2.99! That is extremley good for that game. I know its 3 years old and not the best game, but it sure is a good game.

I have been thinking about Vanquish for a while now and hcecking it out to see if i should get it because it looks like a reaL good game. I recently found out though that the game has been created By Shinji Mikami (The Resident evil and Devil may cry games). I love both them games! So i am strongly considering getting Vanquish.

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