I found a new genre of music called porno-grind. Apparantly bands like torso**** sing songs about being raped by elephants with only frog sounds throughout the song, but when u look at the lyrics, ure like wtf? so, erotic diahrea fantasy and raped by elephants you should listen too
Believe it or not, the most comfortable controller in the world, is on the NES. It's called the NESmax http://www.axess.com/twilight/console/detail/nes_max.jpg
[QUOTE="trancestation"]and are u addicted like me?RotaryRX7
wut? Dude, you made like 4 threads in 7 seconds. Time to chill out and profit. No need to keep making topics every time a new idea pops in your head. i would if someone else would make an interesting thread, it's like bad sex in OT today
1) Saving Private Ryan 2) All Quiet on the Western Front 3) Platoon 4) Full Metal Jacket 5) Glory 6) Apocolypse Now 7) Black Hawk Down 8) The Thin Red Line 9) The Deer Hunter 10) Escape from Sobibor thoughts?
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