Of 500 pre-orders maybe 10-12% cancel their order over time.
And because those consoles already are ordered + there are ordering limits, there will always be some excess hardware in most stores.
Sadly for many in my country, stores does a horrible job announcing when they are sold out or if there is any stock left.
One of the two biggest electronic chains didnt even advertise them on release week.
Calling them to reserve one doesnt work in many stores, because they are put in a "collect from store"-shelf and people dont give a shit if they are reserved or not and pick them from there... Because they dont ask for any I.d.
You simply have to go there and ask, hoping there are some left.
@livedreamplay: Tbh Uncharted 4 was the first casual new game that was any good. The Order 1886 was basicly an interactive movie. Bloodborne isnt for everyone. And now PS has Horizon, which is good.
So there is basicly two good games and the rest are either remasters, failed racing games or japanese weebo games. And those are the main reasons why my friends dont have the PS4.
@giedrius1001: That was in the early days of the last console generation, when consoles still were stronger and different HW wise.
Consoles are basicly PC's now and to create a game on a mid-range hardware first would complicate porting.
To port PC games for Scorpio is almost effortless, they managed to do a straight port of Forza 6 that worked great in only two days without optimizing further.
We have already seen how PS4 Pro games are optimized later, because of the hardware isnt strong enough. So they have to make compromizes with those silly power modes.
@59Hertz: The reason is that software is much more profitable than hardware. They are doing it to make money by whatever Windows 10 platform you might own and they can only do that if they give you those choices. They even make money on Sony games now when they have purchased Havok back in 2015.
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