Shaun Of The Dead doesn't take itself seriously, the whole idea of zombies attacking everything, and then two blokes just not being arsed about it is comical, the various things such as the throwing of the records in the garden, and Shaun climbing up a kidsslide to peer over the gardens is genius, plus I could honestly see myself ending up like them. I could probably memorise 3/4 of the film's lines as well, maybe even more. It's trully legendary, and I don't think HF has reached that status (maybe it will in time, because it is a pretty new film)
Hot Fuzz is a better film technically, it actually has some form of plot, and as far as the way it is shot, it's a lot more like a Hollywood blockbuster compared to the clearly independant style of SOTD, but as far as laughs? Well there are some brilliant one-liners, but it's far too serious. The first 30-45 minutes of the film is boring, and it pains me to watch it more than once because of that. The action when they clean up in the village is fantastic, but I'd rather be watching Shaun hitting a zombie on the head with a cricket bat. Plus it rips off a lot of SOTD, and not in such a funny way.
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