If this is true it's not much of an upgrade. I would have expected the Xbox 1.5 upgrade to have these specs. But Xbox 1.5 will probably just be the same specs in a slimmed down case without a disc drive.
I'm not all that impressed by the massively long tripwire that comes packaged with this thing. Why didn't HTC add a ceiling-mounted swivel spool so it could stay out of the way of your feet? If your product's claim to fame is the ability to walk around freely in VR, then you might try to put a little effort into making sure that your customers don't trip and strangle themselves with the cord.
The game content is still somewhat lacking. The early releases have either been first-person stationary games, driving/flying simulators, or birds-eye RTS games. There's nothing wrong with any of those, except that it's not going to entice a swath of gamers for as much money as they're asking. Valve desperately needs AAA buy-in to make the Vive a success, and they really need developers to take more advantage of the positional tracking to differentiate it from the Rift.
I can agree with Phil on the semantics side. With the PS4 outselling the X1 at nearly a 2:1 ratio, I'm pretty sure they'd want to slap a new name on their flagship console to rejuvenate their brand. Although MS may not go the same route as Playstation with a mid-cycle hardware update. I'm halfway thinking they might revert back to their original intentions with the X1 - creating a digital-only model with no optical drive. They could slim down the console size, reduce cost by removing the optical drive, and even throw in a mainboard upgrade to support 4K video playback and 4K upscaling; all the while keeping the internals the same so that the developers have the same hardware specs to work with.
Troll_Elite's comments