@LukeWesty @trophywhore they haven't come right out and said that it won't be free, but there was a quote mentioning different levels of service for different fees. And I don't like the way they are beginning to refer to Playstation Network as "Playstation World". That smells like a "different service" to me, one that will come with extra charges "to get the most out of your games" So again, there's is nothing definitive, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went more the way MS has gone with their XBox live.
This will just keep getting better. Games will be pricier, but you'll have less ownership over them. That touchscreen controller will probably cost $90-100. They're already dropping hints that Playstation Network or world will be a paid subscription this time around. But you'll be able to share your trophies on Facebook! (if they still have trophies)
If nothing else, it will be interesting to see how the PS3 version compares to the PS4 version. If they turn out to be largely the same, it could really affect holiday sales of PS4.
@MaskRisen I will say the automatic upgrades can be a pretty good thing if you set it to update either during your normal sleep time, or while you're at work. It sucks to come home, sit down to play your game, and get told you have to wait an hour for an update. Other than that, I pretty much agree with you.
Maybe many of the male developers feel uncomfortable with creating a female character that will be subjected to violence. Then it would be "mysoginistic" As a society, we are far more comfortable seeing men be victims of violence. Just watch commercials on TV. Men get hurt (usually in a "cartoony" way) for comic effect in a staggering number of commercials. They same is not true for women. (We had to study and categorize violence in commercials for a research methods in University, so I'm not just talking out my ass). Women tend to be cast more in games that don't involve people trying to punch you in the face or shoot you in the head, especially if men are the ones trying to shoot or punch you.
I actually like to sit in a comfy chair and play games on my big screen TV, not be the dickhead playing games on a 5 inch screen in a restaurant while I'm waiting for my meal to come. Oh well, I suppose PS3 had lots of features at launch that didn't really pan out and weren't included in the next model. (Remember the slots for SD cards so you could put your pictures on the system-whoop-de-doo) When PS3 came out, there was tonnes of hype about the 6 axis motion controller. 7 years later, and I still haven't seen a game that uses it well. The vast majority of games don't use it at all. So, hopefully the system will still play great games, that's all I want it to do, I don't have Twitter, I don't have Facebook, I don't have a Smartphone, and don't want any of them.
The one thing that is not mentioned in this review that kinda peeved me is how short this game is. I had it done in less than 15 hours, and that was with a few replays of earlier levels.
alright, I'll agree with you on the gory, but I will say you are wrong on nobody liking fake tits. For the record, I don't care for 'em either but they are ubiquitous, with plenty of guys loving them just fine.
trophywhore's comments