Speculation. But when the Scorpio releases it will be the most expensive console on the market with maybe 1 exclusive and some multiplats like FIFA and Call of Duty.
By that time, Sony will probably drop the price of their PS4. With the large and exquisite variety of exclusives lists and the PSVR as extra option. Not to mention Sony will probably lock out some big 3rd party games from coming to the Xbox.
Nintendo is off to a strong start and it isn't on a direct competition to the Scorpio. But by same time Scorpio is out, Nintendo will probably release another large exclusive. Making the Switch attractive piece of gaming And the Scorpio just an expensive wannabe PC (assuming it will be expensive).
Now, I don't know what Microsoft is hiding in E3, but whatever it is, it must be huge. They are currently hiding their sales numbers, their YOY is dropping and their only report they are willing to show is engagement hours or some mumbo jambo.
Not a thread to bash the Scorpio. Just a Speculation Thread to guess what strategy Microsoft has toward the next year.
In your dreams, kiddo! Sony can try to lock out big games but it will not work.
What if I told you anyone buying a Switch will immediately return it for a Scorpio. Hence the name Switch because you switch it for a system that is not broken and flimsy!
Of course Microsoft is hiding the big guns as always and let us not forget the megaton exclusive Sea of Thieves coming out later this year.
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