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trunksSS3 Blog

Hello and sorry for the long hiatus

Hello People, I'm very sorry for eing away for so long but now i'm back lets Party!!!!! Oh well since i've been away from alot has changed like this site and by the looks for worse, but any way since i havn't been on for a very very very long time i might tell you some of the stuff I've being doing, ok first off lets start with Video games ok since it's school holidays i've been gaming like a rabbit in heat....that'll do. Gears of war 2 this is a pretty good game the storyline is much much better then the first the graphics are smooth and the gameplay is perfect and the replay value is high and the new 5 player co-op horde match is Great fun, I give this game 4 and a half akamarus out of 5.

Mirror's Edge, this game is uniqe from any other game out there at this point in time the replay value isn't all that great but the gameplay makes up for it, it's a very fun game if you like jumping from rooftop to rooftop while doing some pretty cool stuff, so i give this game 4 akamarus out of 5.

Fallout 3 now this game was devoleped by the guys who made Oblivion so i had high expectations of this game and it didn't let them down, the landscaps are amazing for a waste land then guns are cool along with some of the armour you get in it the story is okay could have been better but it is still a fun game i give this game 4 akamarus out of 5.

I've also been watching G Gundam but i havn't finished watching it yet, but so far it looks great and that's about it for this Blog It's good to be back and i hope to talk to you all in the near future Seeya!


HELLO! PEOPLE! Today i'm blogging from school because my PC is being a pain so i wont be able to post for a bit but don't worry i'll be back in no time, so what's been happening? well i've been watching some anime welll one, which was Fruits Basket which was really really funny but a little bit depressing but it was good and i liked it i might start death note or Oran high school host club well i guess hat's abut all for now my PC should be fixd in about a week or two well i think that's about it so....... Stay Kibalioucs!

Manifest 08 and level 21

Hello people Manifest is over and well iotwas AWESOME!!!!!! i got alot of pictures and some of themare on my deviantart page it's the same user name as this site so it should be easy to find, now i brought a few things at manifest, like some naruto shippuuden figures i was plainning to buy the whole set but AA got in and brought the last sasuke before me *waves fist in the air* i also brought 2 plushies and some fanart. I turn level 21 too day som i am now a...Snuggle puss...right ok well that is all bye

Cosplay Month!

HELLO people! today is the day before manifest and i ahve taken my first cosplay photo with AA (itachi) an now you can view all of them at my profile!

Masks Troubles

hello people today i started work on my Tobi mask and well it was going well untill i remembered that Air dry clay Cracks a little so yeah 6 days to manifest and i can't get anymore clay to fix it so i'm hoping a thick layer of spray paint will hide it untill i buy one from the link AM provided me and thank you AM for the link

Naruto fans belp!

hi i'm cosplaying as Tobi this yeart and i was wonddering does tobi wear anything on his feet eg nail polish or something that covers the up

Hurt my arm, Ninja Gaiden 2, November and December themes and some other stuff

Hello, how's everybody? Well since I havn't done one of these in a while i have a bitmore to talk about, okay first i hurt myself yesterday playing sport in HPE, now how i did i was pretty cool :D okay well my class was playing this weird game where one person from each team stands on one of these big soft Gym matts on each end of the court so each team had to get the ball to their matt to scord, simple enough, okay now the defenders/attackers could not touch the matt and the ball at the same time but we could jump knock the ball away and land on the matt, well see that's where it happened the attackers threw the ball it was going to make it so i jumped trying to block it but....... I missed both the ball and the matt and ladned on my arm and almost face planted into the wall, so that was fun untill the nurse said i might have fractured my arm but i don't thin i did so now i have it bandeged and it's moving. Okay now about 1-2 weeks ago i got Ninja Gaiden 2, for those who played the one on the X-box don't worry it's not as hard, well not for me since i finished that one (god pose) anyway it's a very good game in my opinion and it's full of kick @$$ wepons, Nimpo, and a $h!t load of blood, which was AWESOME! i used the Falcon Talons and got my foot claw stuck in some guys head then riped of his head! :D:D:D. If anyone does get stuck on the last three bosses of this game jsut ask me or buy the walkthrough, like me! it really helps alot, okay let's see told everyone how i hurt my self check, Ninja Gaiden 2 check what else...oh yeah i also brought the book Skullduggery Pleasent: Playing with fire, which is the sequel to Skullduggery Pleasent, if you need something to do pick up a copy of these two books, they are both very good. Okay u also "borrowed" my brothers copy of Dynasty Warrior 6 which is very good if you just like killing a whole bunch of people and if you like the Dynasty Warrior games and like the Gundam serise hunt down a copy of Dynasty Warriors: Gundam it combines the Majesty of Dynasty Warriors with the power of Gundam. Okay i think that is all oh wait about Kiba month i'll post a whole bunch of picks at the end of the month and i here by claim that November will be... um... Game Month! which will be pictures of awesome or funny pictures of games and i also claim December to be Anime X-mas which will be of well anime characters in a X-mas theme and and remember stay Kibalicios!

P.S holy Cr@p this has to be my biggest Blog ever!

Happy birthday to me!

hello it was my birthday on the 4th of august so ya I'm 16 teen now :D so what did i get for my birthday? glad i asked, :D okay so this is what i got:

1. 12 Halo action clix of Ebay, why 12 because the guy only had 12

2.Master chief's helmet from Halo 3 legendary edition (didn't wanna spend $300)

3. two games from my big bro, Super Smash Brothers Brawl (which I got about a month early) and gears of war which is a classic but the disc wouldn't play so it's gotta go back to the shop (nooooooooo!)

4. some money in a card from my big sis (dunno how much hasn't come yet *anime fault*)

5. and what ever I get given at my birthday party on Saturday and if you not the AA there will be words then some more words they followed by some more words then finished with an @SSWHOPPING

and now for Kiba month which is gonna be AWESOME!

these are all seperate links, beause when i do it i do it big, wait that sounded wierd any way everybody stay kibalicious!

P.S. i am not a supporter of Narutoxhinata Kibaxtemari or kibaxhinata i ust think those pictures are funny.