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If you life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?

i got this from deviantart so here goes:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... and alot of the songs fit with the setting

Opening Credits: Blue Bird

Waking Up: Haruka kanata
First Day at School: The meaning of truth
Falling in Love: over my head
Fight Song: how to save a life
Breaking Up: watch me fly
Prom Night: never turn back
Mental Breakdown: forgotten
Driving: Stronger
Flashback: Team chaotix
Getting Back Together: melissa
Birth of a Child: throw it all away
Final Battle: one week
Funeral Song: Undo
Final Credits: Believe in

WHAT........THE...........F**! only like 6 make sense thw other don't "birth of a child" throw it all away that doesn'......okay that does kinda make sense um....shadow month can have it's on BLog post on the 31 of july and remember Kida month next month!'s that thing you know what you do to tell people stuff yeah....

Hi today i'm blogging at school (after about 2,000,000 sex jokes by one of my teachers) so lets last week i got 3 halo 3 figures which were: brute chieftan, master chief, and the ODST soldier (my fave!) i also got Naruto: clash of ninja revolution todays ago whic h is AWSOME!!!! along with the Jump festa 2003/4 speicals (yay!) AND I GOT DBZ shin budokai: another road (doubly AWESOME!) that's all seeya

Tag! (why me?)

ok so i guess i've been tag and since by 2 people i'm only doing one of these so listen up!

1. i like anime

2. i hate mushrooms

3. i'm in love with Super smash brows. brawl

4. i hate being taged

5. i like to read

6. i go to BHHS

7. i like going up to random polices officers and try to get them to give me a hi five

8. i like movies

9. i have had stitches

10. i make AMV's

there done and now people i will tag well you'll find out and also i got SSBB today it is super sexy awesome and if you don't have well something bye

P.S. i will post my AMV later next week when i find time okay bye

Cosplay trouble and Tobi month

Well folkes i'll be going to Manifest with AA (Itachi) this year as Kiba Inuzuka (was Kakashi then Tobi then Kakashi then Kiba then back to Kakashi then decided on Kiba) who is one of my Fave Naruto Characters but i've hit a lot of road blocks eg. that stupid shirt he wears when he fights that creepy guy and his brother. but it should all be resolved before Manifest. And the picture this time for Tobi month is:

Tha is all.

Tobi month and a very important question

ok first things first who knows where i can read the Naruto Shippuuden Manga bcuase i can't really wait 2 years for the subbed episodes to all come out, and for the rest of May is going to be Tobi month at my blog so every time i make a new blog prepare to see a random Tobi picture or fan art......Like this one:

and that's about it, Kakashi Rules